This commit is contained in:
JFronny 2020-06-12 20:02:39 +02:00
parent 60c55d1180
commit 26131b1c4d
12 changed files with 595 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,101 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using CC_Functions.Commandline.TUI;
using CC_Functions.Misc;
using static System.ConsoleColor;
using static Lemonade.W;
namespace Lemonade
public class AnimationScreen
public class AnimationScreen : CenteredScreen
public event OkDelegate Ok;
public delegate void OkDelegate();
private Image imgControl;
public AnimationScreen(Settings set) : base(100, 20, Black, set.Color)
ContentPanel.ForeColor = DarkGray;
Title = "Lemonade - Anim";
imgControl = new Image(new Pixel[0,0]);
SetWeather(new Weather());
Input += (screen, args) => Ok?.Invoke();
Close += (screen, args) => Ok?.Invoke();
public void SetWeather(Weather w)
Title = $"Lemonade - Weather: {w}";
//TODO weather events (storm (no sales), heat wave (more sales))
Pixel sky = new Pixel(w.W switch
Rainy => Black,
Cloudy => DarkBlue,
Warm => Blue,
Sunny => Blue,
Hot_and_dry => Magenta,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
}, Black, ' ');
Pixel grass = new Pixel(w.W switch
Rainy => Green,
Cloudy => Green,
Warm => Green,
Sunny => Green,
Hot_and_dry => Green,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
}, Black, ' ');
Pixel table = new Pixel(DarkGreen, Black, ' ');
Pixel glass = new Pixel(Yellow, Black, ' ');
Pixel sun = new Pixel(w.W switch
Rainy => Yellow,
Cloudy => Yellow,
Warm => Yellow,
Sunny => Yellow,
Hot_and_dry => Red,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
}, Black, ' ');
Pixel cloud = new Pixel(Gray, Black, ' ');
Pixel rain = new Pixel(DarkBlue, Black, ' ');
Pixel[,] image = new Pixel[20, 200];
//Draw sky
//Draw rain
Random rainRng = new Random(100);
if (w.W == Rainy)
for (int i = 2; i < 12; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++)
if (rainRng.NextDouble() < 0.1)
image[i, j] = rain;
image[i + 1, j] = rain;
//Draw floor
for (int i = 13; i < 20; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++)
image[i, j] = grass;
//Draw table
for (int i = 12; i < 16; i++)
for (int j = 40; j < 60; j++)
image[i, j] = table;
//Draw glasses
for (int j = 43; j < 57; j += 4)
image[11, j] = glass;
image[11, j + 1] = glass;
//Draw sun
if (w.W != Rainy && w.W != Cloudy)
image.DrawEllipse(new Rectangle(2, 1, 14, 6), sun);
//Draw clouds
if (w.W == Rainy || w.W == Cloudy)
image.DrawEllipse(new Rectangle(8, 1, 25, 3), cloud);
image.DrawEllipse(new Rectangle(40, 3, 40, 3), cloud);
//Set image
imgControl.Img = image;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,98 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using CC_Functions.Commandline.TUI;
namespace Lemonade
public class $CLASS$ {$END$}
public static class EllipseDrawer
private static PointF GetEllipsePointFromX(float x, float a, float b) =>
//(x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1
//(y/b)^2 = 1 - (x/a)^2
//y/b = -sqrt(1 - (x/a)^2) --Neg root for upper portion of the plane
//y = b*-sqrt(1 - (x/a)^2)
new PointF(x, b * -(float)Math.Sqrt(1 - x * x / a / a));
public static void DrawEllipse(this Pixel[,] target, Rectangle area, Pixel basePixel)
int p0 = target.GetLength(0);
int p1 = target.GetLength(1);
bool[,] tmp = new bool[p0, p1];
DrawEllipse(tmp, new Rectangle(area.Y, area.X, area.Height, area.Width));
for (int i = 0; i < p0; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < p1; j++)
if (tmp[i, j])
target[i, j] = basePixel;
private static void DrawEllipse(bool[,] pixels, Rectangle area)
// Get the size of the matrix
int matrixWidth = pixels.GetLength(0);
int matrixHeight = pixels.GetLength(1);
int offsetY = area.Top;
int offsetX = area.Left;
// Figure out how big the ellipse is
float ellipseWidth = area.Width;
float ellipseHeight = area.Height;
// Figure out the radiuses of the ellipses
float radiusX = ellipseWidth / 2;
float radiusY = ellipseHeight / 2;
//Keep track of the previous y position
int prevY = 0;
bool firstRun = true;
// Loop through the points in the matrix
for (int x = 0; x <= radiusX; ++x)
int xPos = x + offsetX;
int rxPos = (int)ellipseWidth - x - 1 + offsetX;
if (xPos < 0 || rxPos < xPos || xPos >= matrixWidth) continue;
PointF pointOnEllipseBoundCorrespondingToXMatrixPosition = GetEllipsePointFromX(x - radiusX, radiusX, radiusY);
int y = (int) Math.Floor(pointOnEllipseBoundCorrespondingToXMatrixPosition.Y + (int)radiusY);
int yPos = y + offsetY;
int ryPos = (int)ellipseHeight - y - 1 + offsetY;
if (yPos >= 0)
if (xPos < matrixWidth && yPos < matrixHeight) pixels[xPos, yPos] = true;
if(xPos < matrixWidth && ryPos > -1 && ryPos < matrixHeight) pixels[xPos, ryPos] = true;
if (rxPos < matrixWidth)
if (yPos < matrixHeight) pixels[rxPos, yPos] = true;
if (ryPos > -1 && ryPos < matrixHeight) pixels[rxPos, ryPos] = true;
//While there's a >1 jump in y, fill in the gap (assumes that this is not the first time we've tracked y, x != 0)
for (int j = prevY - 1; !firstRun && j > y - 1 && y > 0; --j)
int jPos = j + offsetY;
int rjPos = (int)ellipseHeight - j - 1 + offsetY;
if(jPos == rjPos - 1) continue;
if(jPos > -1 && jPos < matrixHeight) pixels[xPos, jPos] = true;
if(rjPos > -1 && rjPos < matrixHeight) pixels[xPos, rjPos] = true;
if (rxPos < matrixWidth)
if(jPos > -1 && jPos < matrixHeight) pixels[rxPos, jPos] = true;
if(rjPos > -1 && rjPos < matrixHeight) pixels[rxPos, rjPos] = true;
firstRun = false;
prevY = y;
float countTarget = radiusY - y;
for (int count = 0; count < countTarget; ++count)
// Set all four points in the matrix we just learned about
// also, make the indication that for the rest of this row, we need to fill the body of the ellipse
if(yPos > -1 && yPos < matrixHeight) pixels[xPos, yPos] = true;
if(ryPos > -1 && ryPos < matrixHeight) pixels[xPos, ryPos] = true;
if (rxPos < matrixWidth)
if(yPos > -1 && yPos < matrixHeight) pixels[rxPos, yPos] = true;
if(ryPos > -1 && ryPos < matrixHeight) pixels[rxPos, ryPos] = true;

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ namespace Lemonade
public enum GameState

View File

@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
using CC_Functions.Commandline.TUI;
namespace Lemonade
public class Image
public class Image : Control
public Pixel[,] Img;
public Image(Pixel[,] img) => Img = img;
public override Pixel[,] Render() => Img;
public override bool Selectable { get; } = false;

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@ -5,4 +5,8 @@
<PackageReference Include="CC-Functions.Commandline" Version="1.1.7468.32091" />

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@ -1,4 +1,35 @@
using System;
namespace Lemonade
public struct $STRUCT$ {$END$}
public class PlayerState
public int Budget;
public int Glasses;
public int Signs;
public int GlassPrice;
public int Expenses;
public int Earnings;
public int Sales;
public int Number;
public PlayerState(int number)
Budget = 200;
Number = number;
public void CalculateIncome(int signCost, int glassCost, Weather weather, Settings settings)
Expenses = signCost * Signs + glassCost * Glasses;
double weatherFactor = (weather.Factor * 2 + 1d) / (settings.DifficultyFactor * 2d + 1d) / 2d; //calculate a scalar for sales between 0.2 and 1.5 based on the weather factor
double signFactor = 2.5d - ((settings.DifficultyFactor + 0.1) * 2d) / (Signs + 1d); //calculate a scalar between 0.3 and (basically) 2.5 based on the amount of signs
double priceFactor = 3 / (GlassPrice / 2 + 1); //calculate a scalar between (basically) 0 and 3 based on the price of lemonades
Sales = (int)Math.Max(Math.Min(weatherFactor * signFactor * priceFactor * Glasses, Glasses), 0); //Multiply the factors and sanitize results
Earnings = (int)Math.Floor((double)Sales * GlassPrice); //Convert result to integer
Budget += Earnings - Expenses;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ namespace Lemonade
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Settings settings = new Settings();
ScreenManager screenManager = new ScreenManager(settings);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,42 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using CC_Functions.Commandline;
using CC_Functions.Commandline.TUI;
namespace Lemonade
public class $CLASS$ {$END$}
public class ResultScreen : CenteredScreen
public event OkDelegate Ok;
public delegate void OkDelegate();
private Label lab;
public ResultScreen(Settings settings) : base(200, 20, ConsoleColor.Black, settings.Color)
ContentPanel.ForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Title = "Lemonade - Daily financial report";
lab = new Label("");
Input += (screen, args) => Ok?.Invoke();
Close += (screen, args) => Ok?.Invoke();
public void Setup(IEnumerable<PlayerState> players)
lab.Content = players.ToStringTable(new[] {"Player", "Glasses made", "Earnings per glass", "Glasses sold", "Signs made", "Income", "Expenses", "Profit", "Budget"},
(s) => s.Number,
(s) => s.Glasses,
(s) => s.GlassPrice,
(s) => s.Sales,
(s) => s.Signs,
(s) => s.Earnings,
(s) => s.Expenses,
(s) => s.Earnings - s.Expenses,
(s) => s.Budget);
ActualSize = new Size(lab.Size.Width, lab.Size.Height);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,113 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using CC_Functions.Commandline.TUI;
namespace Lemonade
//TODO implement thunderstorm chance on bad weather
public class ScreenManager
private readonly AnimationScreen _animator;
private readonly ResultScreen _result;
private readonly Settings _settings;
private readonly TransactionScreen _transaction;
private GameState _state;
private bool _running;
private List<PlayerState> _players;
private int _currentPlayer;
private bool _initialEvent = true;
private int _day;
private Weather _weather;
private int signCost => 15;
private int GlassCost => _day < 5 ? 2 : 4;
public ScreenManager(Settings settings)
_settings = settings;
_animator = new AnimationScreen(settings);
_animator.Ok += () =>
_state = GameState.Transaction;
_currentPlayer = 0;
_initialEvent = true;
_transaction.SetUp(_players[_currentPlayer], _settings, _currentPlayer, _day, _weather, signCost, GlassCost);
_transaction = new TransactionScreen(settings);
_transaction.Ok += (glasses, price, signs) =>
_initialEvent = true;
_players[_currentPlayer].Glasses = glasses;
_players[_currentPlayer].GlassPrice = price;
_players[_currentPlayer].Signs = signs;
_players[_currentPlayer].CalculateIncome(signCost, GlassCost, _weather, settings);
if (_currentPlayer >= _players.Count)
_state = GameState.Event;
_currentPlayer = 0;
_result = new ResultScreen(settings);
_result.Ok += () =>
_initialEvent = true;
_state = GameState.Setup;
_state = GameState.Setup;
_players = new List<PlayerState>();
for (int i = 0; i < settings.PlayerCount; i++) _players.Add(new PlayerState(i + 1));
public void Run()
_running = true;
_state = GameState.Setup;
while (_running)
switch (_state)
case GameState.Setup:
if (_initialEvent)
_weather = new Weather();
_initialEvent = false;
case GameState.Transaction:
if (_initialEvent)
_transaction.SetUp(_players[_currentPlayer], _settings, _currentPlayer, _day, _weather, signCost, GlassCost);
_initialEvent = false;
case GameState.Event:
if (_initialEvent)
_initialEvent = false;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

View File

@ -1,4 +1,77 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using CC_Functions.Commandline.TUI;
namespace Lemonade
public class $CLASS$ {$END$}
public class Settings
public bool Color { get; private set; } = true;
public int PlayerCount { get; private set; }
public float DifficultyFactor { get; private set; }
public Settings()
public void Configure()
CenteredScreen settingsScreen = new CenteredScreen(200, 20, ConsoleColor.Black, Color)
TabPoint = 0,
Title = "Lemonade - Settings"
+ "[R to redraw]"
Panel scr = settingsScreen.ContentPanel;
scr.ForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Label playerLabel = new Label("Players");
playerLabel.Point = new Point(scr.Size.Width / 2 - playerLabel.Content.Length / 2, 3);
Slider playerSlider = new Slider {MinValue = 1, Value = 2, Size = new Size(100, 1)};
playerSlider.Point = new Point(scr.Size.Width / 2 - playerSlider.Size.Width / 2, 4);
Label difficultyLabel = new Label("Difficulty");
difficultyLabel.Point = new Point(scr.Size.Width / 2 - difficultyLabel.Content.Length / 2, 7);
Slider difficulty = new Slider {Value = 5, Size = new Size(100, 1)};
difficulty.Point = new Point(scr.Size.Width / 2 - difficulty.Size.Width / 2, 8);
CheckBox colorBox = new CheckBox("Color") {Checked = true};
colorBox.Point = new Point(scr.Size.Width / 2 - (colorBox.Content.Length + 4) / 2, 12);
colorBox.CheckedChanged += (screen, args) =>
settingsScreen.Color = colorBox.Checked;
settingsScreen.Input += (screen, args) => { if (args.Info.Key == ConsoleKey.R) DiffDraw.Draw(Color, true); };
Button okButton = new Button("OK");
okButton.Point = new Point(scr.Size.Width / 2 - okButton.Content.Length / 2, 16);
bool visible = true;
okButton.Click += (screen, args) => visible = false;
settingsScreen.Close += (screen, args) => visible = false;
while (visible)
PlayerCount = playerSlider.Value;
DifficultyFactor = difficulty.Value / 10f;
Color = colorBox.Checked;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,103 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Drawing;
using CC_Functions.Commandline.TUI;
namespace Lemonade
public class TransactionScreen
public class TransactionScreen : CenteredScreen
public event OkDelegate Ok;
public delegate void OkDelegate(int glasses, int price, int signs);
private readonly Label _infoLabel;
private readonly Label _glassesLabel;
private readonly Slider _glasses;
private readonly Label _priceLabel;
private readonly Slider _price;
private readonly Label _signsLabel;
private readonly Slider _signs;
private readonly Label _infoLabelBottom;
private PlayerState _player;
private int _signCost;
private int _lemonadeCost;
public TransactionScreen(Settings set) : base(200, 20, ConsoleColor.Black, set.Color)
ContentPanel.ForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
_infoLabel = new Label("[DAY 1]");
_infoLabel.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _infoLabel.Content.Length / 2, 0);
_glassesLabel = new Label("How many glasses of lemonade do you wish to make?");
_glassesLabel.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _glassesLabel.Content.Length / 2, 2);
_glasses = new Slider {Size = new Size(100, 1)};
_glasses.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _glasses.Size.Width / 2, 3);
_glasses.ValueChanged += (screen, args) => CalculateMax();
_priceLabel = new Label("What price (in cents) do you wish to charge for lemonade?");
_priceLabel.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _priceLabel.Content.Length / 2, 6);
_price = new Slider {Size = new Size(100, 1)};
_price.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _price.Size.Width / 2, 7);
_price.ValueChanged += (screen, args) => CalculateMax();
_signsLabel = new Label("How many advertising signs do you want to make?");
_signsLabel.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _signsLabel.Content.Length / 2, 10);
_signs = new Slider {Size = new Size(100, 1)};
_signs.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _signs.Size.Width / 2, 11);
_signs.ValueChanged += (screen, args) => CalculateMax();
_infoLabelBottom = new Label("Total Expenses: 0/0");
_infoLabelBottom.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _infoLabelBottom.Content.Length / 2, 14);
Button okButton = new Button("OK");
okButton.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - okButton.Size.Width / 2, 16);
okButton.Click += (sender, e) => Ok?.Invoke(_glasses.Value, 10, 0);
Close += (screen, args) => Ok?.Invoke(_glasses.Value, 10, 0);
public void SetUp(PlayerState player, Settings settings, int playerIndex, int day, Weather weather, int signCost, int lemonadeCost)
TabPoint = 0;
_signCost = signCost;
_lemonadeCost = lemonadeCost;
Title = $"Lemonade - Player {playerIndex + 1}/{settings.PlayerCount}";
_player = player;
_glasses.Value = 0;
_price.Value = 0;
_signs.Value = 0;
_infoLabel.Content = $"It is day {day}, the weather is {weather}";
_infoLabel.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _infoLabel.Content.Length / 2, 0);
_glassesLabel.Content = $"How many glasses of lemonade do you wish to make? {lemonadeCost}ct each";
_glassesLabel.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _glassesLabel.Content.Length / 2, 2);
_signsLabel.Content = $"How many advertising signs ({signCost}ct each) do you want to make?";
_signsLabel.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _signsLabel.Content.Length / 2, 10);
private void CalculateMax()
int leftover = _player.Budget - CalculateExpenses();
_glasses.MaxValue = (int)Math.Floor(leftover / (double)_lemonadeCost) + _glasses.Value;
_price.MaxValue = 200;
_signs.MaxValue = (int)Math.Floor(leftover / (double)_signCost) + _signs.Value;
_infoLabelBottom.Content = $"Leftover: ${leftover / 100f}/${_player.Budget / 100f}";
_infoLabelBottom.Point = new Point(ContentPanel.Size.Width / 2 - _infoLabelBottom.Content.Length / 2, 14);
private int CalculateExpenses() => _lemonadeCost * _glasses.Value + _signCost * _signs.Value;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,33 @@
using System;
namespace Lemonade
public class Weather
private static Random rnd = new Random();
public override string ToString() => W.ToString().Replace('_', ' ');
public W W
if (Factor < 0.2) return W.Rainy;
if (Factor < 0.4) return W.Cloudy;
if (Factor < 0.6) return W.Warm;
if (Factor < 0.8) return W.Sunny;
return W.Hot_and_dry;
public double Factor = rnd.NextDouble();
public enum W