gson-comments/gson/Gson 2.1 notes.txt
Jesse Wilson 1794182a56 Commit to factories as the mechanism to lookup type adapters. This uses factories for type hierarchy adapters. We keep a separate list of factories for tree-style adapters registered with registerTypeHierarchyAdapter to guarantee that these come after the non-hierarchy adapters.
This drops support for type hierarchy instance creators. I don't expect this to be a problem. We'll also detect fewer errors where multiple type adapters can serialize the same type. With APIs like getNextTypeAdapter, I think this might actually be an improvement!
2011-11-23 06:16:55 +00:00

6 lines
300 B

Dropped support for GsonBuilder.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter+InstanceCreator
Relax registerTypeHierarchyAdapter order
Gson 2.0 failed if you registered Manager then Employee would fail
Gson 2.1 it isn't a problem