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* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Collection;
* Provides ability to apply a visitor to an object and all of its fields recursively.
* @author Inderjeet Singh
* @author Joel Leitch
final class ObjectNavigator {
public interface Visitor {
* This is called before the object navigator starts visiting the current object
void startVisitingObject(Object node);
* This is called after the object navigator finishes visiting the current object
void endVisitingObject(Object node);
* This is called to visit the current object if it is an iterable
* @param componentType the type of each element of the component
void visitCollection(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection collection, Type componentType);
* This is called to visit the current object if it is an array
void visitArray(Object array, Type componentType);
* This is called to visit the current object if it is a primitive
void visitPrimitiveValue(Object obj);
* This is called to visit an object field of the current object
void visitObjectField(Field f, Type typeOfF, Object obj);
* This is called to visit a field of type Collection of the current object
void visitCollectionField(Field f, Type typeOfF, Object obj);
* This is called to visit an array field of the current object
void visitArrayField(Field f, Type typeOfF, Object obj);
* This is called to visit a primitive field of the current object
void visitPrimitiveField(Field f, Type typeOfF, Object obj);
* This is called to visit an enum object
public void visitEnum(Object obj, Type objType);
* This is called to visit an object using a custom handler
* @return true if a custom handler exists, false otherwise
public boolean visitUsingCustomHandler(Object obj, Type objType);
* This is called to visit a field of the current object using a custom handler
public boolean visitFieldUsingCustomHandler(Field f, Type actualTypeOfField, Object parent);
private final ExclusionStrategy exclusionStrategy;
private final MemoryRefStack<Object> ancestors;
private final Object obj;
private final Type objType;
* @param obj The object being navigated
* @param objType The (fully genericized) type of the object being navigated
* @param exclusionStrategy the concrete strategy object to be used to
* filter out fields of an object.
ObjectNavigator(Object obj, Type objType, ExclusionStrategy exclusionStrategy,
MemoryRefStack<Object> ancestors) {
this.obj = obj;
this.objType = objType;
this.exclusionStrategy = exclusionStrategy;
this.ancestors = ancestors;
* Navigate all the fields of the specified object.
* If a field is null, it does not get visited.
public void accept(Visitor visitor) {
if (obj == null) {
TypeInfo objTypeInfo = new TypeInfo(objType);
if (exclusionStrategy.shouldSkipClass(objTypeInfo.getRawClass())) {
if (ancestors.contains(obj)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Circular reference found: " + obj);
try {
boolean visitedWithCustomHandler = visitor.visitUsingCustomHandler(obj, objType);
if (!visitedWithCustomHandler) {
if (objTypeInfo.isCollectionOrArray()) {
if (objTypeInfo.isArray()) {
visitor.visitArray(obj, objType);
} else { // must be a collection
visitor.visitCollection((Collection<?>) obj, objType);
} else if (objTypeInfo.isEnum()) {
visitor.visitEnum(obj, objType);
} else if (objTypeInfo.isPrimitiveOrStringAndNotAnArray()) {
} else {
// For all classes in the inheritance hierarchy (including the current class),
// visit all fields
for (Class<?> curr = objTypeInfo.getRawClass();
curr != null && !curr.equals(Object.class); curr = curr.getSuperclass()) {
if (!curr.isSynthetic()) {
navigateClassFields(obj, curr, visitor);
} finally {
private void navigateClassFields(Object obj, Class<?> clazz, Visitor visitor) {
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true);
for (Field f : fields) {
TypeInfo fieldTypeInfo = TypeInfoFactory.getTypeInfoForField(f, objType);
Type actualTypeOfField = fieldTypeInfo.getActualType();
if (exclusionStrategy.shouldSkipField(f)) {
continue; // skip
} else {
boolean visitedWithCustomHandler =
visitor.visitFieldUsingCustomHandler(f, actualTypeOfField, obj);
if (!visitedWithCustomHandler) {
if (fieldTypeInfo.isCollectionOrArray()) {
if (fieldTypeInfo.isArray()) {
visitor.visitArrayField(f, actualTypeOfField, obj);
} else { // must be Collection
visitor.visitCollectionField(f, actualTypeOfField, obj);
} else if (fieldTypeInfo.isPrimitiveOrStringAndNotAnArray()) {
visitor.visitPrimitiveField(f, actualTypeOfField, obj);
} else {
visitor.visitObjectField(f, actualTypeOfField, obj);
private static final Class[] PRIMITIVE_TYPES = { int.class, long.class, short.class, float.class,
double.class, byte.class, boolean.class, Integer.class, Long.class, Short.class, Float.class,
Double.class, Byte.class, Boolean.class };
static boolean isPrimitiveOrString(Object target) {
if (target instanceof String) {
return true;
Class<?> classOfPrimitive = target.getClass();
for (Class standardPrimitive : PRIMITIVE_TYPES) {
if (standardPrimitive.isAssignableFrom(classOfPrimitive)) {
return true;
return false;