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2011-09-16 04:55:52 +00:00
examples/android-proguard-example Made the proguard example work by using -keepattributes Signature (as advised in https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3375947&group_id=54750&atid=474704) 2011-07-25 06:23:02 +00:00
extras Promote MiniGson to gson.internal.bind 2011-08-03 00:25:10 +00:00
gson A few minor fixes and one incompatible Java 1.6 API call. 2011-09-16 04:55:52 +00:00
lib moved lib at the top-level to share eclipse styles. 2008-09-01 03:27:34 +00:00
metrics Updated the dependency to the current Gson trunk: 1.7.2-SNAPSHOT 2011-04-13 22:47:03 +00:00
proto updated version of protobuf dependency 2011-04-22 18:29:36 +00:00