Uses of Class

Packages that use JsonElement This package provides the Gson class to convert Json to Java and vice-versa. 

Uses of JsonElement in

Subclasses of JsonElement in
 class JsonArray
          A class representing an array type in Json.
 class JsonNull
          A class representing a Json null value.
 class JsonObject
          A class representing an object type in Json.
 class JsonPrimitive
          A class representing a Json primitive value.

Methods in that return JsonElement
 JsonElement JsonArray.get(int i)
          Returns the ith element of the array.
 JsonElement JsonObject.get(String memberName)
          Returns the member with the specified name.
          Returns the next available JsonElement on the reader.
 JsonElement JsonParser.parse(JsonReader json)
          Returns the next value from the JSON stream as a parse tree.
 JsonElement JsonParser.parse(Reader json)
          Parses the specified JSON string into a parse tree
 JsonElement JsonParser.parse(String json)
          Parses the specified JSON string into a parse tree
 JsonElement JsonObject.remove(String property)
          Removes the property from this JsonObject.
abstract  JsonElement LongSerializationPolicy.serialize(Long value)
          Serialize this value using this serialization policy.
 JsonElement JsonSerializationContext.serialize(Object src)
          Invokes default serialization on the specified object.
 JsonElement JsonSerializationContext.serialize(Object src, Type typeOfSrc)
          Invokes default serialization on the specified object passing the specific type information.
 JsonElement JsonSerializer.serialize(T src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context)
          Gson invokes this call-back method during serialization when it encounters a field of the specified type.
 JsonElement Gson.toJsonTree(Object src)
          This method serializes the specified object into its equivalent representation as a tree of JsonElements.
 JsonElement Gson.toJsonTree(Object src, Type typeOfSrc)
          This method serializes the specified object, including those of generic types, into its equivalent representation as a tree of JsonElements.
 JsonElement TypeAdapter.toJsonTree(T value)
          Converts value to a JSON tree.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type JsonElement
 Set<Map.Entry<String,JsonElement>> JsonObject.entrySet()
          Returns a set of members of this object.
 Iterator<JsonElement> JsonArray.iterator()
          Returns an iterator to navigate the elemetns of the array.

Methods in with parameters of type JsonElement
 void JsonArray.add(JsonElement element)
          Adds the specified element to self.
 void JsonObject.add(String property, JsonElement value)
          Adds a member, which is a name-value pair, to self.
<T> T
JsonDeserializationContext.deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT)
          Invokes default deserialization on the specified object.
 T JsonDeserializer.deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context)
          Gson invokes this call-back method during deserialization when it encounters a field of the specified type.
<T> T
Gson.fromJson(JsonElement json, Class<T> classOfT)
          This method deserializes the Json read from the specified parse tree into an object of the specified type.
<T> T
Gson.fromJson(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT)
          This method deserializes the Json read from the specified parse tree into an object of the specified type.
 T TypeAdapter.fromJsonTree(JsonElement jsonTree)
          Converts jsonTree to a Java object.
 String Gson.toJson(JsonElement jsonElement)
          Converts a tree of JsonElements into its equivalent JSON representation.
 void Gson.toJson(JsonElement jsonElement, Appendable writer)
          Writes out the equivalent JSON for a tree of JsonElements.
 void Gson.toJson(JsonElement jsonElement, JsonWriter writer)
          Writes the JSON for jsonElement to writer.

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