removed old-style Collections type adapter since the new one covers all cases.

This commit is contained in:
Inderjeet Singh 2011-09-09 04:22:57 +00:00
parent f67940cb63
commit a8133efeb8

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@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ final class DefaultTypeAdapters {
private static final EnumTypeAdapter ENUM_TYPE_ADAPTER = new EnumTypeAdapter();
private static final BitSetTypeAdapter BIT_SET_ADAPTER = new BitSetTypeAdapter();
private static final CollectionTypeAdapter COLLECTION_TYPE_ADAPTER = new CollectionTypeAdapter();
private static final MapTypeAdapter MAP_TYPE_ADAPTER = new MapTypeAdapter();
private static final ByteTypeAdapter BYTE_TYPE_ADAPTER = new ByteTypeAdapter();
@ -116,7 +115,6 @@ final class DefaultTypeAdapters {
ParameterizedTypeHandlerMap<JsonSerializer<?>> map =
new ParameterizedTypeHandlerMap<JsonSerializer<?>>();
map.registerForTypeHierarchy(Enum.class, ENUM_TYPE_ADAPTER, true);
map.registerForTypeHierarchy(Collection.class, COLLECTION_TYPE_ADAPTER, true);
map.registerForTypeHierarchy(Map.class, MAP_TYPE_ADAPTER, true);
return map;
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@ final class DefaultTypeAdapters {
ParameterizedTypeHandlerMap<JsonDeserializer<?>> map =
new ParameterizedTypeHandlerMap<JsonDeserializer<?>>();
map.registerForTypeHierarchy(Enum.class, wrapDeserializer(ENUM_TYPE_ADAPTER), true);
map.registerForTypeHierarchy(Collection.class, wrapDeserializer(COLLECTION_TYPE_ADAPTER), true);
map.registerForTypeHierarchy(Map.class, wrapDeserializer(MAP_TYPE_ADAPTER), true);
return map;
@ -485,58 +482,6 @@ final class DefaultTypeAdapters {
private static final class CollectionTypeAdapter implements JsonSerializer<Collection>,
JsonDeserializer<Collection> {
public JsonElement serialize(Collection src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
if (src == null) {
return JsonNull.INSTANCE;
JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
Type childGenericType = null;
if (typeOfSrc instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Class<?> rawTypeOfSrc = $Gson$Types.getRawType(typeOfSrc);
childGenericType = $Gson$Types.getCollectionElementType(typeOfSrc, rawTypeOfSrc);
for (Object child : src) {
if (child == null) {
} else {
Type childType = (childGenericType == null || childGenericType == Object.class)
? child.getClass() : childGenericType;
JsonElement element = context.serialize(child, childType, false, false);
return array;
public Collection deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
if (json.isJsonNull()) {
return null;
// Use ObjectConstructor to create instance instead of hard-coding a specific type.
// This handles cases where users are using their own subclass of Collection.
Collection collection = constructCollectionType(typeOfT, context);
Type childType = $Gson$Types.getCollectionElementType(typeOfT, $Gson$Types.getRawType(typeOfT));
for (JsonElement childElement : json.getAsJsonArray()) {
if (childElement == null || childElement.isJsonNull()) {
} else {
Object value = context.deserialize(childElement, childType);
return collection;
private Collection constructCollectionType(Type collectionType,
JsonDeserializationContext context) {
return context.construct(collectionType);
private static final class NumberTypeAdapter
implements JsonSerializer<Number>, JsonDeserializer<Number> {
public JsonElement serialize(Number src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {