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2023-08-28 12:04:45 +02:00

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Resource Expansion

Sometimes, you may wish to use respackopts values inside your text files (for example as model transforms), without switching between a bunch of similar files. For this purpose, respackopts allows replacing text in files via resource expansion.

You can use the expansions block in your .rpo to replace content with a value computed by executing a custom μScript expression. Values can be accessed in the script in the same exact way as in condition objects, as the same language and object representation is used, though the result of a script is a string and not a boolean here.

I should probably point out here that, since the result here is always a string, string concatenation via the || operator is possible and recommended. For example, the following is a valid script: 'Text ' || (someNumber * 15) || someBoolean



  id: "examplePack",
  version: 9,
  capabilities: ["FileFilter", "DirFilter"],
  conf: {
    oakFence: {
      uvLock: true,
      invertOrientation: false,
      yFactor: 0


  expansions: {
    uvlock: "examplePack.oakFence.uvLock",
    orientation: "!examplePack.oakFence.invertOrientation",
    y000: "examplePack.oakFence.yFactor + 0",
    y090: "examplePack.oakFence.yFactor + 90",
    y180: "examplePack.oakFence.yFactor + 180",
    y270: "examplePack.oakFence.yFactor + 270"


  "multipart": [
      "apply": {
        "model": "minecraft:block/oak_fence_post"
      "when": {
        "north": "${orientation}"
      "apply": {
        "model": "minecraft:block/oak_fence_side",
        "y": ${y000},
        "uvlock": ${uvlock}
      "when": {
        "east": "${orientation}"
      "apply": {
        "model": "minecraft:block/oak_fence_side",
        "y": ${y090},
        "uvlock": ${uvlock}
      "when": {
        "south": "${orientation}"
      "apply": {
        "model": "minecraft:block/oak_fence_side",
        "y": ${y180},
        "uvlock": ${uvlock}
      "when": {
        "west": "${orientation}"
      "apply": {
        "model": "minecraft:block/oak_fence_side",
        "y": ${y270},
        "uvlock": ${uvlock}


The expansions block contains a key ("uvlock") and a script, which is executed when the file is loaded. All instances of the key (formatted as ${name} -> ${lights} in this example) will be replaced by the result of the script. Make sure to only use this feature on text files as unexpected results my occur otherwise