
2.0 KiB

Changes between versions

The version specified in your pack.json refers to a rpo format version. A new rpo format version will be added whenever a change might break previous packs, which will continue to use the old version.

This page lists the changes relevant to pack developers between versions and migrations (if needed)


Corresponds to version 1.0 - 1.4.4

  • FREX Shader support
  • Enum entries (no key translation yet)
  • respackopts.category.<pack> to respackopts.title.<pack>
  • Replace dots with underscores in frex definitions
  • basic .rpo format
  • respackopts_loaded in FREX shaders
  • Slider support ({"min": value, "default": value, "max": value})
  • Tooltips: respackopts.tooltip.<pack>.<entry>
  • Boolean conditions (and, or, nor, xor, equals): {"<type>":[<entry 1>, <entry 2>]}


Corresponds to version 2.0.0 - 2.2.0

  • Removed LibCD compat
  • Enum: define enum entries as booleans if they are selected, not their numerical value
  • Further shader entry name sanitization


Corresponds to version 2.3.0

  • respackopts.title.<pack> to rpo.<pack>
  • respackopts.field.<pack>.<entry> to rpo.<pack>.<entry>
  • respackopts.tooltip.<pack>.<entry> to rpo.tooltip.<pack>.<entry>


Corresponds to version 2.4.0 - 2.5.0

  • Resource expansion support
  • Directory .rpo support
  • Allow using singular names and allow using a single entry instead of an array (fallbacks to fallback, conditions to condition, expansions to expansion)
  • Remove requirement for specifying pack id in conditions: <pack>:some.entry to some.entry


Corresponds to version 2.6.0 - 2.7.1

  • Pack capabilities, no longer includes DirFilter for new packs by default
  • Add /rpo command for debugging


Corresponds to version 2.7.2 - 2.9.1

  • allow specifying entries as objects with additional properties (type, default, reloadType)
  • Fabulous shader support
  • additional StarScript properties
  • OPEN_ROOT support (allows custom icon.pngs among other things)