I recommend you to use the automatically built packages, you can download the latest curseforge build [here](https://gitlab.com/jfmods/BreakMe/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/latest-cf.jar?job=build_test) and the latest non-cf build [here](https://gitlab.com/jfmods/BreakMe/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/latest.jar?job=build_test)
If you don't build on windows you can use the dll contained in the latest [CI build](https://gitlab.com/jfmods/BreakMe/-/jobs/artifacts/master/browse/build/libs?job=build_test) and place it in src/main/resources/native.\
If you want to build the dll, use [this](https://gitlab.com/jfmods/BreakMe/-/blob/master/src/main/c/build.bat) as a reference (requires VS build tools).\
The mod itself is built like any other fabric mod: using gradle. Look at the [CI config](https://gitlab.com/jfmods/BreakMe/-/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml#L10) for an example\