import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as io from '@actions/io'; import * as constants from './constants'; import { getBooleanInput } from './util'; import { create as xmlCreate } from 'xmlbuilder2'; interface JdkInfo { version: string; vendor: string; id: string; jdkHome: string; } export async function configureToolchains( version: string, distributionName: string, jdkHome: string, toolchainId?: string ) { const vendor = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_MVN_TOOLCHAIN_VENDOR) || distributionName; const id = toolchainId || `${vendor}_${version}`; const settingsDirectory = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_SETTINGS_PATH) || path.join(os.homedir(), constants.M2_DIR); const overwriteSettings = getBooleanInput(constants.INPUT_OVERWRITE_SETTINGS, true); await createToolchainsSettings({ jdkInfo: { version, vendor, id, jdkHome }, settingsDirectory, overwriteSettings }); } export async function createToolchainsSettings({ jdkInfo, settingsDirectory, overwriteSettings }: { jdkInfo: JdkInfo; settingsDirectory: string; overwriteSettings: boolean; }) { `Creating ${constants.MVN_TOOLCHAINS_FILE} for JDK version ${jdkInfo.version} from ${jdkInfo.vendor}` ); // when an alternate m2 location is specified use only that location (no .m2 directory) // otherwise use the home/.m2/ path await io.mkdirP(settingsDirectory); const originalToolchains = await readExistingToolchainsFile(settingsDirectory); const updatedToolchains = generateToolchainDefinition( originalToolchains, jdkInfo.version, jdkInfo.vendor,, jdkInfo.jdkHome ); await writeToolchainsFileToDisk(settingsDirectory, updatedToolchains, overwriteSettings); } // only exported for testing purposes export function generateToolchainDefinition( original: string, version: string, vendor: string, id: string, jdkHome: string ) { let xmlObj; if (original?.length) { xmlObj = xmlCreate(original) .root() .ele({ toolchain: { type: 'jdk', provides: { version: `${version}`, vendor: `${vendor}`, id: `${id}` }, configuration: { jdkHome: `${jdkHome}` } } }); } else xmlObj = xmlCreate({ toolchains: { '@xmlns': '', '@xmlns:xsi': '', '@xsi:schemaLocation': '', toolchain: [ { type: 'jdk', provides: { version: `${version}`, vendor: `${vendor}`, id: `${id}` }, configuration: { jdkHome: `${jdkHome}` } } ] } }); return xmlObj.end({ format: 'xml', wellFormed: false, headless: false, prettyPrint: true, width: 80 }); } async function readExistingToolchainsFile(directory: string) { const location = path.join(directory, constants.MVN_TOOLCHAINS_FILE); if (fs.existsSync(location)) { return fs.readFileSync(location, { encoding: 'utf-8', flag: 'r' }); } return ''; } async function writeToolchainsFileToDisk( directory: string, settings: string, overwriteSettings: boolean ) { const location = path.join(directory, constants.MVN_TOOLCHAINS_FILE); const settingsExists = fs.existsSync(location); if (settingsExists && overwriteSettings) {`Overwriting existing file ${location}`); } else if (!settingsExists) {`Writing to ${location}`); } else { `Skipping generation of ${location} because file already exists and overwriting is not enabled` ); return; } return fs.writeFileSync(location, settings, { encoding: 'utf-8', flag: 'w' }); }