import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import semver from 'semver'; import { JavaBase } from '../base-installer'; import { JavaInstallerOptions, JavaDownloadRelease, JavaInstallerResults } from '../base-models'; import { extractJdkFile } from '../../util'; import { MACOS_JAVA_CONTENT_POSTFIX } from '../../constants'; export class LocalDistribution extends JavaBase { constructor(installerOptions: JavaInstallerOptions, private jdkFile?: string) { super('jdkfile', installerOptions); } public async setupJava(): Promise { let foundJava = this.findInToolcache(); if (foundJava) {`Resolved Java ${foundJava.version} from tool-cache`); } else {`Java ${this.version} was not found in tool-cache. Trying to unpack JDK file...`); if (!this.jdkFile) { throw new Error("'jdkFile' is not specified"); } const jdkFilePath = path.resolve(this.jdkFile); const stats = fs.statSync(jdkFilePath); if (!stats.isFile()) { throw new Error(`JDK file was not found in path '${jdkFilePath}'`); }`Extracting Java from '${jdkFilePath}'`); const extractedJavaPath = await extractJdkFile(jdkFilePath); const archiveName = fs.readdirSync(extractedJavaPath)[0]; const archivePath = path.join(extractedJavaPath, archiveName); const javaVersion = this.version; let javaPath = await tc.cacheDir( archivePath, this.toolcacheFolderName, this.getToolcacheVersionName(javaVersion), this.architecture ); // for different Java distributions, postfix can exist or not so need to check both cases if ( process.platform === 'darwin' && fs.existsSync(path.join(javaPath, MACOS_JAVA_CONTENT_POSTFIX)) ) { javaPath = path.join(javaPath, MACOS_JAVA_CONTENT_POSTFIX); } foundJava = { version: javaVersion, path: javaPath }; }`Setting Java ${foundJava.version} as default`); this.setJavaDefault(foundJava.version, foundJava.path); return foundJava; } protected async findPackageForDownload(version: string): Promise { throw new Error('This method should not be implemented in local file provider'); } protected async downloadTool(javaRelease: JavaDownloadRelease): Promise { throw new Error('This method should not be implemented in local file provider'); } }