import * as cache from '@actions/cache'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import { isVersionSatisfies, isCacheFeatureAvailable } from '../src/util'; jest.mock('@actions/cache'); jest.mock('@actions/core'); describe('isVersionSatisfies', () => { it.each([ ['x', '11.0.0', true], ['3', '3.7.1', true], ['3', '3.7.2', true], ['3', '3.7.2+4', true], ['2.5', '2.5.0', true], ['2.5', '2.5.0+1', true], ['2.5', '2.6.1', false], ['2.5.1', '2.5.0', false], ['2.5.1+3', '2.5.0', false], ['2.5.1+3', '2.5.1+3', true], ['2.5.1+3', '2.5.1+2', false], ['15.0.0+14', '15.0.0+14.1.202003190635', false], ['15.0.0+14.1.202003190635', '15.0.0+14.1.202003190635', true] ])('%s, %s -> %s', (inputRange: string, inputVersion: string, expected: boolean) => { const actual = isVersionSatisfies(inputRange, inputVersion); expect(actual).toBe(expected); }); }); describe('isCacheFeatureAvailable', () => { it('isCacheFeatureAvailable disabled on GHES', () => { jest.spyOn(cache, 'isFeatureAvailable').mockImplementation(() => false); try { process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] = ''; isCacheFeatureAvailable(); } catch (error) { expect(error).toHaveProperty( 'message', 'Caching is only supported on GHES version >= 3.5. If you are on a version >= 3.5, please check with your GHES admin if the Actions cache service is enabled or not.' ); } finally { delete process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL']; } }); it('isCacheFeatureAvailable disabled on dotcom', () => { jest.spyOn(cache, 'isFeatureAvailable').mockImplementation(() => false); const infoMock = jest.spyOn(core, 'warning'); const message = 'The runner was not able to contact the cache service. Caching will be skipped'; try { process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] = ''; expect(isCacheFeatureAvailable()).toBe(false); expect(infoMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(message); } finally { delete process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL']; } }); it('isCacheFeatureAvailable is enabled', () => { jest.spyOn(cache, 'isFeatureAvailable').mockImplementation(() => true); expect(isCacheFeatureAvailable()).toBe(true); }); });