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J. Fronny 2020-06-20 16:28:51 +00:00
parent f2b827eac3
commit ce9ae20a7a
1 changed files with 7 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -12,42 +12,13 @@ uptool:
- .shared_windows_runners
stage: deploy
script: |
choco install youtube-dl ffmpeg -y --nocolor --no-progress
) -match '.' -join ';'
#Quick hack reimplementing DownloadData because it apparently doesn't want to work
cd testexetrisathlon
echo Intro
youtube-dl -x --no-playlist --audio-format mp3 -o Intro.mp3 https://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs
echo InGame1
youtube-dl -x --no-playlist --audio-format wav -o st1.wav https://youtu.be/hueJrl83sOQ
youtube-dl -x --no-playlist --audio-format wav -o st2.wav https://youtu.be/7gSS4h47rLU
youtube-dl -x --no-playlist --audio-format wav -o st3.wav https://youtu.be/NDjDgvXlfVw
ffmpeg -i st1.wav -i st2.wav -i st3.wav -filter_complex "concat=n=3:v=0:a=1" -vn InGame1.mp3 -loglevel verbose 2> log.log
cat log.log
#rm st1.wav
#rm st2.wav
#rm st3.wav
echo InGame2
youtube-dl -x --no-playlist --audio-format wav -o st1.wav https://youtu.be/umEDct4BoGc
youtube-dl -x --no-playlist --audio-format wav -o st2.wav https://youtu.be/NVpjt9gHlDw
youtube-dl -x --no-playlist --audio-format wav -o st3.wav https://youtu.be/zgKazTrhXmI
ffmpeg -i st1.wav -i st2.wav -i st3.wav -filter_complex "concat=n=3:v=0:a=1" -vn InGame2.mp3 -loglevel verbose 2> log.log
cat log.log
#rm st1.wav
#rm st2.wav
#rm st3.wav
echo GameOver
youtube-dl -x --no-playlist --audio-format mp3 -o GameOver.mp3 https://youtu.be/J_3Zad-e9f4
cd ..
#Nothing special after here
#choco install youtube-dl ffmpeg -y --nocolor --no-progress
# [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine"),
# [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
#) -match '.' -join ';'
#My python script to auto-generate requirements would be here but arm64 sux
$(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://www.github.com/JFronny/UpTool2/releases/latest/download/Tools.zip", "$($(pwd).Path)\Tools.zip")
& "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x .\Tools.zip
rm Tools.zip