using System; using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Reflection; using CC_Functions.Misc; namespace UpTool_build_tool { internal static class Program { public static int Main(string[] args) { RootCommand rootCommand = new RootCommand(); Command build = new Command("build", "Builds a generic package with or without shortcuts from a directory"); build.AddOption(new Option("--binDir", "Directory to package")); build.AddOption(new Option("--mainBin", "The applications main binary")); build.AddOption(new Option("--packageFile", "Directory to package")); build.AddOption(new Option("--noShortcuts", "When this is enabled the scripts will not generate a start-menu item")); build.AddOption(new Option("--noLogo", "Disables the logo")); build.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Build); rootCommand.AddCommand(build); return rootCommand.InvokeAsync(args).Result; } private static void Build(string binDir, string mainBin, string packageFile, bool noLogo, bool noShortcuts) { Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (!noLogo) { Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("| UpTool2 package build tools |"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Using version {Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version}"); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Parsing arguments..."); packageFile ??= Path.Combine(binDir, ""); if (File.Exists(packageFile)) { Console.WriteLine("Removing previous package..."); File.Delete(packageFile); } Console.WriteLine("Copying binary dir..."); using ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.Open(packageFile, ZipArchiveMode.Create); { archive.AddDirectory(binDir, "Data", new[] {".xml", ".pdb"}, new[] {packageFile}); Console.WriteLine("Creating batch scripts..."); string installBat = "@echo off\r\necho INSTALL"; string removeBat = "@echo off\r\necho REMOVE"; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mainBin)) { string[] tmp = Directory.GetFiles(binDir, "*.exe"); if (tmp.Length > 0) mainBin = Directory.GetFiles(binDir, "*.exe")[0]; if (tmp.Length > 1) { Console.WriteLine( "Detected multiple EXEs. This is not recommended as all processes running in the app folder will need to be terminated for uninstall to succeed"); Console.WriteLine( "Please consider removing unnecessary EXEs or notify me that anyone is actually using this."); } } string programName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mainBin); if (!noShortcuts) { installBat += "\r\n"; installBat += $@"powershell ""$s=(New-Object -COM WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\{programName}.lnk');$s.TargetPath='%cd%\{mainBin}';$s.Save()"""; removeBat += "\r\n"; removeBat += $@"del ""%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\{programName}.lnk"""; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mainBin)) { removeBat += "\r\n"; removeBat += $@"taskkill /f /im ""{Path.GetFileName(mainBin)}"""; } installBat += "\r\ntimeout /t 1"; removeBat += "\r\ntimeout /t 1"; using (Stream s = archive.CreateEntry("Install.bat").Open()) { using StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(s); writer.Write(installBat); } using (Stream s = archive.CreateEntry("Remove.bat").Open()) { using StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(s); writer.Write(removeBat); } } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Completed package creation in {watch.Elapsed}"); Console.WriteLine($"Output file: {Path.GetFullPath(packageFile)}"); } } }