using System; using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; using UpToolLib.v1.Tool; namespace UpToolCLI { public class ReposManagement { private static string InfoXml => Program.Lib.V1.PathTool.InfoXml; public static void RegisterCommands(RootCommand rootCommand) { rootCommand.AddCommand(new Command("list-repo", "Lists current repositories") { Handler = CommandHandler.Create(ListRepo) }); Command addRepo = new("add-repo", "Adds a repository") { new Argument("name", "The new repositories name"), new Argument("link", "A link to the repositories XML") }; addRepo.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(AddRepo); rootCommand.AddCommand(addRepo); Command removeRepo = new("remove-repo", "Removes a repository") { new Argument("name", "The repositories name") }; removeRepo.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(RemoveRepo); rootCommand.AddCommand(removeRepo); } private static void ListRepo() { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(InfoXml); XElement repos = doc.Element("meta").Element("Repos"); Console.WriteLine("Current repos:"); Console.WriteLine(repos.Elements("Repo").ToStringTable(new[] { "Name", "Link" }, u => u.Element("Name").Value, u => u.Element("Link").Value)); } private static void AddRepo(string name, string link) { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(InfoXml); XElement repos = doc.Element("meta").Element("Repos"); repos.Add(new XElement("Repo", new XElement("Name", name), new XElement("Link", link))); doc.Save(InfoXml); Console.WriteLine("Added repo. Remember to update the cache using \"uptool update\""); } private static void RemoveRepo(string name) { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(InfoXml); XElement repos = doc.Element("meta").Element("Repos"); XElement[] sRepos = repos.Elements("Repo") .Where(s => s.Element("Name").Value.ToLower().StartsWith(name.ToLower())).ToArray(); switch (sRepos.Length) { case 0: Console.WriteLine("No repo was found that matches your input!"); return; case 1: break; default: Console.WriteLine("Found multiple repos that match your input:"); Console.WriteLine(sRepos.ToStringTable(new[] { "Name", "Link" }, u => u.Element("Name").Value, u => u.Element("Link").Value)); if (!Program.Functions.YesNoDialog("Are you sure you want to delete them all?", false)) return; break; } foreach (XElement t in sRepos) { Console.WriteLine($"Removing {t.Element("Name").Value}"); t.Remove(); } doc.Save(InfoXml); Console.WriteLine("Removed repo. Remember to update the cache using \"uptool update\""); } } }