# UpTool2 Downloading software from online repos since 2019 [![CodeFactor](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/jfronny/uptool2/badge)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/jfronny/uptool2) [![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/JFronny/UpTool2)](https://github.com/JFronny/UpTool2/releases/latest) [![GitHub repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/JFronny/UpTool2)](https://github.com/JFronny/UpTool2/archive/master.zip) [![GitHub All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/JFronny/UpTool2/total)](https://github.com/JFronny/UpTool2/releases) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/466965965658128384)](https://discordapp.com/invite/UjhHBqt) [Default Repo](https://gist.github.com/JFronny/f1ccbba3d8a2f5862592bb29fdb612c4) ## Folder layout - %APPDATA%\UpTool2 - Apps - __APPGUID - `info.xml` Local copy of some app information, like [this](https://github.com/JFronny/UpTool2#app-layout) but missing ID, File, Hash and Icon - [`package.zip`](https://github.com/JFronny/UpTool2#package-layout) The package that was downloaded on install - `app` The app install path - `__APPFILES` Copy of the app files from above, may contain user-configs - `info.xml` File used by UpTool2 for saving info - `Version` The installed version. Not used anymore - `Repos` The list of package repos - `__REPO` A repository - `Name` The display name of the repository - `Link` The source of the repo xml - `Local Repo` A preprocessed copy of the online repos - [`__APP`](https://github.com/JFronny/UpTool2#app-layout) A normal app with the icon processed as Base64 - `Install` The folder containing the actual tool - `__ZIP CONTENTS` The app files - `tmp` A temporary folder used during updates - `__FILES FOR UPDATE` The downloaded update files ## Repo layout - `repo` The main repo tag - `__APPLINK` Links to external app XMLs - `__REPOLINK` Links to external repos - [`__APP`](https://github.com/JFronny/UpTool2#app-layout) Apps ## App layout - app - `Name` Name of the application - `Description` Description that gets displayed on the right panel - `Version` Version for update checking, might get removed - `ID` The Guid used for identification - `File` A link to the package file - `Hash` The files SHA256 Hash - `Icon` The apps icon, (optional) - `MainFile` Main binary, used for starting, (optional) ## Package layout - `Install.bat` The script for installing the app - `Remove.bat` The script for removing the app - `Data` The folder containing binaries - `__APPFILES` The binaries