using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UpToolLib; using UpToolLib.DataStructures; using UpToolLib.Tool; namespace UpToolCLI { public static class CacheManagement { public static void RegisterCommands(RootCommand rootCommand) { rootCommand.AddCommand(new Command("list", "Lists installed packages") { Handler = CommandHandler.Create(List) }); Command search = new Command("search", "Search for packages") { new Argument("identifier", "Something to identify the app") }; search.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Search); rootCommand.AddCommand(search); Command show = new Command("show", "Shows package info") { new Argument("identifier", "Something to identify the app") }; show.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Show); rootCommand.AddCommand(show); rootCommand.AddCommand(new Command("update", "Updates the cache") { Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Update) }); } private static void List() { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); Console.WriteLine(GlobalVariables.Apps.Where(s => (s.Value.Status & Status.Installed) == Status.Installed) .ToStringTable(new[] { "Name", "State", "Guid" }, u => u.Value.Name, u => u.Value.Local ? "Local" : (u.Value.Status & Status.Updatable) == Status.Updatable ? "Updatable" : "None", u => u.Key)); } private static void Search(string identifier) { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); App[] apps = AppExtras.FindApps(identifier); Console.WriteLine($"Found {apps.Length} app(s)"); if (apps.Length > 0) Console.WriteLine(apps.ToStringTable(new[] { "Name", "Guid" }, u => u.Name, u => u.Id)); } private static void Show(string identifier) { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); App[] apps = AppExtras.FindApps(identifier); if (apps.Length == 0) Console.WriteLine("Package not found."); else Console.WriteLine(apps.First()); } private static void Update() { Console.WriteLine("Fetching Repos..."); RepoManagement.FetchRepos(); RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); Console.WriteLine(); IEnumerable tmp = GlobalVariables.Apps.Where(s => (s.Value.Status & Status.Updatable) == Status.Updatable).Select(s => s.Value); IEnumerable apps = tmp as App[] ?? tmp.ToArray(); int updatableCount = apps.Count(); Console.WriteLine(updatableCount == 0 ? "All up-to-date" : $@"Found {updatableCount} Updates: {string.Join(Environment.NewLine, apps.Select(s => $"- {s.Name} ({s.Version})"))}"); #if !DEBUG Version vLocal = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; Version vOnline = UpdateCheck.OnlineVersion; if (vLocal < vOnline) Console.WriteLine($"uptool is outdated ({vLocal} vs {vOnline}), update using \"uptool upgrade-self\""); #endif } } }