using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UpToolLib; using UpToolLib.DataStructures; using UpToolLib.Tool; namespace UpToolCLI { public static class PackageManagement { public static void RegisterCommands(RootCommand rootCommand) { Command install = new Command("install", "Install a package") { new Option(new[] {"--identifier", "-i"}, "Something to identify the app or the file name") { Required = true }, new Option(new[] {"--force", "-f"}, "Overwrites older files") }; install.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Install); rootCommand.AddCommand(install); Command upgrade = new Command("upgrade", "Upgrade a package") { new Option(new[] {"--identifier", "-i"}, "Something to identify the app") { Required = true }, new Option(new[] {"--force", "-f"}, "Overwrites older files") }; upgrade.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Upgrade); rootCommand.AddCommand(upgrade); Command reinstall = new Command("reinstall", "Reinstall a package") { new Option(new[] {"--identifier", "-i"}, "Something to identify the app") { Required = true }, new Option(new[] {"--force", "-f"}, "Overwrites older files") }; reinstall.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Reinstall); rootCommand.AddCommand(reinstall); Command remove = new Command("remove", "Remove a package") { new Option(new[] {"--identifier", "-i"}, "Something to identify the app") { Required = true } }; remove.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Remove); rootCommand.AddCommand(remove); Command purge = new Command("purge", "Completely remove a package") { new Option(new[] {"--identifier", "-i"}, "Something to identify the app") { Required = true } }; purge.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Purge); rootCommand.AddCommand(purge); rootCommand.AddCommand(new Command("dist-upgrade", "Upgrades all packages") { Handler = CommandHandler.Create(DistUpgrade) }); } private static void Install(string identifier, bool force) { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); App[] apps = AppExtras.FindApps(identifier); if (apps.Length == 0) { if (File.Exists(identifier)) { Console.WriteLine("Name:"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); AppInstall.InstallZip(identifier, new App(name, "Locally installed package, removal only", GlobalVariables.MinimumVer, "", true, "", Guid.NewGuid(), Color.Red, "", false, ""), force); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully installed \"{name}\""); } else { Console.WriteLine("Package not found."); Console.WriteLine(identifier); } } else { App tmp = apps.First(); if ((tmp.Status & Status.Installed) == Status.Installed) Console.WriteLine("Package is already installed"); else { Console.WriteLine($"Installing {tmp.Name}"); AppInstall.Install(tmp, true); } } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } private static void Upgrade(string identifier, bool force) { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); App[] apps = AppExtras.FindApps(identifier); if (apps.Length == 0) Console.WriteLine("Package not found."); else { App tmp = apps.First(); if ((tmp.Status & Status.Updatable) == Status.Updatable) { Console.WriteLine($"Upgrading {tmp.Name}"); AppExtras.Update(tmp, force); } else Console.WriteLine("Package is up-to-date"); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } private static void Reinstall(string identifier, bool force) { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); App[] apps = AppExtras.FindApps(identifier); if (apps.Length == 0) Console.WriteLine("Package not found."); else { App tmp = apps.First(); Console.WriteLine($"Reinstalling {tmp.Name}"); AppExtras.Update(tmp, force); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } private static void Remove(string identifier) { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); App[] apps = AppExtras.FindApps(identifier); if (apps.Length == 0) Console.WriteLine("Package not found."); else { App tmp = apps.First(); if ((tmp.Status & Status.Installed) == Status.Installed) { Console.WriteLine($"Removing {tmp.Name}"); AppExtras.Remove(tmp, false); } else Console.WriteLine("Package is not installed"); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } private static void Purge(string identifier) { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); App[] apps = AppExtras.FindApps(identifier); if (apps.Length == 0) Console.WriteLine("Package not found."); else { App tmp = apps.First(); if ((tmp.Status & Status.Installed) == Status.Installed) { Console.WriteLine($"Purgeing {tmp.Name}"); AppExtras.Remove(tmp, true); } else Console.WriteLine("Package is not installed"); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } private static void DistUpgrade() { RepoManagement.GetReposFromDisk(); foreach (KeyValuePair app in GlobalVariables.Apps.Where(s => (s.Value.Status & Status.Updatable) == Status.Updatable)) { Console.WriteLine($"Updating {app.Value.Name}"); AppExtras.Update(app.Value, false); } #if !DEBUG if (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version < UpdateCheck.OnlineVersion) { Console.WriteLine("Updating self"); UpgradeSelf(false); } #endif Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } } }