# Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. # The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache 2.0 License. # See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. __all__ = ["ClrClass", "ClrInterface", "accepts", "returns", "attribute", "propagate_attributes"] import clr clr.AddReference("Microsoft.Dynamic") clr.AddReference("Microsoft.Scripting") clr.AddReference("IronPython") if clr.IsNetCoreApp: clr.AddReference("System.Reflection.Emit") import System from System import Char, Void, Boolean, Array, Type, AppDomain from System.Reflection import FieldAttributes, MethodAttributes, PropertyAttributes, ParameterAttributes from System.Reflection import CallingConventions, TypeAttributes, AssemblyName from System.Reflection.Emit import OpCodes, CustomAttributeBuilder, AssemblyBuilder, AssemblyBuilderAccess from System.Runtime.InteropServices import DllImportAttribute, CallingConvention, CharSet from Microsoft.Scripting.Generation import Snippets from Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime import DynamicOperations from Microsoft.Scripting.Utils import ReflectionUtils from IronPython.Runtime import NameType, PythonContext from IronPython.Runtime.Types import PythonType, ReflectedField, ReflectedProperty def validate_clr_types(signature_types, var_signature = False): if not isinstance(signature_types, tuple): signature_types = (signature_types,) for t in signature_types: if type(t) is type(System.IComparable): # type overloaded on generic arity, eg IComparable and IComparable[T] t = t[()] # select non-generic version clr_type = clr.GetClrType(t) if t == Void: raise TypeError("Void cannot be used in signature") is_typed = clr.GetPythonType(clr_type) == t # is_typed needs to be weakened until the generated type # gets explicitly published as the underlying CLR type is_typed = is_typed or (hasattr(t, "__metaclass__") and t.__metaclass__ in [ClrInterface, ClrClass]) if not is_typed: raise Exception, "Invalid CLR type %s" % str(t) if not var_signature: if clr_type.IsByRef: raise TypeError("Byref can only be used as arguments and locals") # ArgIterator is not present in Silverlight if hasattr(System, "ArgIterator") and t == System.ArgIterator: raise TypeError("Stack-referencing types can only be used as arguments and locals") class TypedFunction(object): """ A strongly-typed function can get wrapped up as a staticmethod, a property, etc. This class represents the raw function, but with the type information it is decorated with. Other information is stored as attributes on the function. See propagate_attributes """ def __init__(self, function, is_static = False, prop_name_if_prop_get = None, prop_name_if_prop_set = None): self.function = function self.is_static = is_static self.prop_name_if_prop_get = prop_name_if_prop_get self.prop_name_if_prop_set = prop_name_if_prop_set class ClrType(type): """ Base metaclass for creating strongly-typed CLR types """ def is_typed_method(self, function): if hasattr(function, "arg_types") != hasattr(function, "return_type"): raise TypeError("One of @accepts and @returns is missing for %s" % function.func_name) return hasattr(function, "arg_types") def get_typed_properties(self): for item_name, item in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(item, property): if item.fget: if not self.is_typed_method(item.fget): continue prop_type = item.fget.return_type else: if not self.is_typed_method(item.fset): continue prop_type = item.fset.arg_types[0] validate_clr_types(prop_type) clr_prop_type = clr.GetClrType(prop_type) yield item, item_name, clr_prop_type def emit_properties(self, typebld): for prop, prop_name, clr_prop_type in self.get_typed_properties(): self.emit_property(typebld, prop, prop_name, clr_prop_type) def emit_property(self, typebld, prop, name, clrtype): prpbld = typebld.DefineProperty(name, PropertyAttributes.None, clrtype, None) if prop.fget: getter = self.emitted_methods[(prop.fget.func_name, prop.fget.arg_types)] prpbld.SetGetMethod(getter) if prop.fset: setter = self.emitted_methods[(prop.fset.func_name, prop.fset.arg_types)] prpbld.SetSetMethod(setter) def dummy_function(self): raise RuntimeError("this should not get called") def get_typed_methods(self): """ Get all the methods with @accepts (and @returns) decorators Functions are assumed to be instance methods, unless decorated with @staticmethod """ # We avoid using the "types" library as it is not a builtin FunctionType = type(ClrType.__dict__["dummy_function"]) for item_name, item in self.__dict__.items(): function = None is_static = False if isinstance(item, FunctionType): function, is_static = item, False elif isinstance(item, staticmethod): function, is_static = getattr(self, item_name), True elif isinstance(item, property): if item.fget and self.is_typed_method(item.fget): if item.fget.func_name == item_name: # The property hides the getter. So yield the getter yield TypedFunction(item.fget, False, item_name, None) if item.fset and self.is_typed_method(item.fset): if item.fset.func_name == item_name: # The property hides the setter. So yield the setter yield TypedFunction(item.fset, False, None, item_name) continue else: continue if self.is_typed_method(function): yield TypedFunction(function, is_static) def emit_methods(self, typebld): # We need to track the generated methods so that we can emit properties # referring these methods. # Also, the hash is indexed by name *and signature*. Even though Python does # not have method overloading, property getter and setter functions can have # the same func_name attribute self.emitted_methods = {} for function_info in self.get_typed_methods(): method_builder = self.emit_method(typebld, function_info) function = function_info.function if self.emitted_methods.has_key((function.func_name, function.arg_types)): raise TypeError("methods with clashing names") self.emitted_methods[(function.func_name, function.arg_types)] = method_builder def emit_classattribs(self, typebld): if hasattr(self, '_clrclassattribs'): for attrib_info in self._clrclassattribs: if isinstance(attrib_info, type): ci = clr.GetClrType(attrib_info).GetConstructor(()) cab = CustomAttributeBuilder(ci, ()) elif isinstance(attrib_info, CustomAttributeDecorator): cab = attrib_info.GetBuilder() else: make_decorator = attrib_info() cab = make_decorator.GetBuilder() typebld.SetCustomAttribute(cab) def get_clr_type_name(self): if hasattr(self, "_clrnamespace"): return self._clrnamespace + "." + self.__name__ else: return self.__name__ def create_type(self, typebld): self.emit_members(typebld) new_type = typebld.CreateType() self.map_members(new_type) return new_type class ClrInterface(ClrType): """ Set __metaclass__ in a Python class declaration to declare a CLR interface type. You need to specify object as the base-type if you do not specify any other interfaces as the base interfaces """ def __init__(self, *args): return super(ClrInterface, self).__init__(*args) def emit_method(self, typebld, function_info): assert(not function_info.is_static) function = function_info.function attributes = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Abstract method_builder = typebld.DefineMethod( function.func_name, attributes, function.return_type, function.arg_types) instance_offset = 0 if function_info.is_static else 1 arg_names = function.func_code.co_varnames for i in xrange(len(function.arg_types)): # TODO - set non-trivial ParameterAttributes, default value and custom attributes p = method_builder.DefineParameter(i + 1, ParameterAttributes.None, arg_names[i + instance_offset]) if hasattr(function, "CustomAttributeBuilders"): for cab in function.CustomAttributeBuilders: method_builder.SetCustomAttribute(cab) return method_builder def emit_members(self, typebld): self.emit_methods(typebld) self.emit_properties(typebld) self.emit_classattribs(typebld) def map_members(self, new_type): pass interface_module_builder = None @staticmethod def define_interface(typename, bases): for b in bases: validate_clr_types(b) if not ClrInterface.interface_module_builder: name = AssemblyName("interfaces") access = AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run assembly_builder = ReflectionUtils.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access) ClrInterface.interface_module_builder = assembly_builder.DefineDynamicModule("interfaces") attrs = TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Interface | TypeAttributes.Abstract return ClrInterface.interface_module_builder.DefineType(typename, attrs, None, bases) def map_clr_type(self, clr_type): """ TODO - Currently "t = clr.GetPythonType(clr.GetClrType(C)); t == C" will be False for C where C.__metaclass__ is ClrInterface, even though both t and C represent the same CLR type. This can be fixed by publishing a mapping between t and C in the IronPython runtime. """ pass def __clrtype__(self): # CFoo below will use ClrInterface as its metaclass, but the user will not expect CFoo # to be an interface in this case: # # class IFoo(object): # __metaclass__ = ClrInterface # class CFoo(IFoo): pass if not "__metaclass__" in self.__dict__: return super(ClrInterface, self).__clrtype__() bases = list(self.__bases__) bases.remove(object) bases = tuple(bases) if False: # Snippets currently does not support creating interfaces typegen = Snippets.Shared.DefineType(self.get_clr_type_name(), bases, True, False) typebld = typegen.TypeBuilder else: typebld = ClrInterface.define_interface(self.get_clr_type_name(), bases) clr_type = self.create_type(typebld) self.map_clr_type(clr_type) return clr_type # Note that ClrClass inherits from ClrInterface to satisfy Python requirements of metaclasses. # A metaclass of a subtype has to be subtype of the metaclass of a base type. As a result, # if you define a type hierarchy as shown below, it requires ClrClass to be a subtype # of ClrInterface: # # class IFoo(object): # __metaclass__ = ClrInterface # class CFoo(IFoo): # __metaclass__ = ClrClass class ClrClass(ClrInterface): """ Set __metaclass__ in a Python class declaration to specify strong-type information for the class or its attributes. The Python class retains its Python attributes, like being able to add or remove methods. """ # Holds the FieldInfo for a static CLR field which points to a # Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime.DynamicOperations corresponding to the current ScriptEngine dynamic_operations_field = None def emit_fields(self, typebld): if hasattr(self, "_clrfields"): for fldname in self._clrfields: field_type = self._clrfields[fldname] validate_clr_types(field_type) typebld.DefineField( fldname, clr.GetClrType(field_type), FieldAttributes.Public) def map_fields(self, new_type): if hasattr(self, "_clrfields"): for fldname in self._clrfields: fldinfo = new_type.GetField(fldname) setattr(self, fldname, ReflectedField(fldinfo)) @staticmethod def get_dynamic_operations_field(): if ClrClass.dynamic_operations_field: return ClrClass.dynamic_operations_field python_context = clr.GetCurrentRuntime().GetLanguage(PythonContext) dynamic_operations = DynamicOperations(python_context) typegen = Snippets.Shared.DefineType( "DynamicOperationsHolder" + str(hash(python_context)), object, True, False) typebld = typegen.TypeBuilder typebld.DefineField( "DynamicOperations", DynamicOperations, FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.Static) new_type = typebld.CreateType() ClrClass.dynamic_operations_field = new_type.GetField("DynamicOperations") ClrClass.dynamic_operations_field.SetValue(None, dynamic_operations) return ClrClass.dynamic_operations_field def emit_typed_stub_to_python_method(self, typebld, function_info): function = function_info.function """ Generate a stub method that repushes all the arguments and dispatches to DynamicOperations.InvokeMember """ invoke_member = clr.GetClrType(DynamicOperations).GetMethod( "InvokeMember", Array[Type]((object, str, Array[object]))) # Type.GetMethod raises an AmbiguousMatchException if there is a generic and a non-generic method # (like DynamicOperations.GetMember) with the same name and signature. So we have to do things # the hard way get_member_search = [m for m in clr.GetClrType(DynamicOperations).GetMethods() if m.Name == "GetMember" and not m.IsGenericMethod and m.GetParameters().Length == 2] assert(len(get_member_search) == 1) get_member = get_member_search[0] set_member_search = [m for m in clr.GetClrType(DynamicOperations).GetMethods() if m.Name == "SetMember" and not m.IsGenericMethod and m.GetParameters().Length == 3] assert(len(set_member_search) == 1) set_member = set_member_search[0] convert_to = clr.GetClrType(DynamicOperations).GetMethod( "ConvertTo", Array[Type]((object, Type))) get_type_from_handle = clr.GetClrType(Type).GetMethod("GetTypeFromHandle") attributes = MethodAttributes.Public if function_info.is_static: attributes |= MethodAttributes.Static if function.func_name == "__new__": if function_info.is_static: raise TypeError method_builder = typebld.DefineConstructor( attributes, CallingConventions.HasThis, function.arg_types) raise NotImplementedError("Need to call self.baseType ctor passing in self.get_python_type_field()") else: method_builder = typebld.DefineMethod( function.func_name, attributes, function.return_type, function.arg_types) instance_offset = 0 if function_info.is_static else 1 arg_names = function.func_code.co_varnames for i in xrange(len(function.arg_types)): # TODO - set non-trivial ParameterAttributes, default value and custom attributes p = method_builder.DefineParameter(i + 1, ParameterAttributes.None, arg_names[i + instance_offset]) ilgen = method_builder.GetILGenerator() args_array = ilgen.DeclareLocal(Array[object]) args_count = len(function.arg_types) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, args_count) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, object) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, args_array) for i in xrange(args_count): arg_type = function.arg_types[i] if clr.GetClrType(arg_type).IsByRef: raise NotImplementedError("byref params not supported") ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, args_array) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i + int(not function_info.is_static)) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Box, arg_type) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref) has_return_value = True if function_info.prop_name_if_prop_get: ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, ClrClass.get_dynamic_operations_field()) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, function_info.prop_name_if_prop_get) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, get_member) elif function_info.prop_name_if_prop_set: ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, ClrClass.get_dynamic_operations_field()) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, function_info.prop_name_if_prop_set) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 1) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, set_member) has_return_value = False else: ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, ClrClass.get_dynamic_operations_field()) if function_info.is_static: raise NotImplementedError("need to load Python class object from a CLR static field") # ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, class_object) else: ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, function.func_name) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, args_array) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, invoke_member) if has_return_value: if function.return_type == Void: ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop) else: ret_val = ilgen.DeclareLocal(object) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, ret_val) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, ClrClass.get_dynamic_operations_field()) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, ret_val) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, clr.GetClrType(function.return_type)) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, get_type_from_handle) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, convert_to) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, function.return_type) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) return method_builder def emit_method(self, typebld, function_info): function = function_info.function if hasattr(function, "DllImportAttributeDecorator"): dllImportAttributeDecorator = function.DllImportAttributeDecorator name = function.func_name dllName = dllImportAttributeDecorator.args[0] entryName = function.func_name attributes = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl callingConvention = CallingConventions.Standard returnType = function.return_type returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers = () returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers = () parameterTypes = function.arg_types parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers = None parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers = None nativeCallConv = CallingConvention.Winapi nativeCharSet = CharSet.Auto method_builder = typebld.DefinePInvokeMethod( name, dllName, entryName, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, nativeCallConv, nativeCharSet) else: method_builder = self.emit_typed_stub_to_python_method(typebld, function_info) if hasattr(function, "CustomAttributeBuilders"): for cab in function.CustomAttributeBuilders: method_builder.SetCustomAttribute(cab) return method_builder def map_pinvoke_methods(self, new_type): pythonType = clr.GetPythonType(new_type) for function_info in self.get_typed_methods(): function = function_info.function if hasattr(function, "DllImportAttributeDecorator"): # Overwrite the Python function with the pinvoke_method pinvoke_method = getattr(pythonType, function.func_name) setattr(self, function.func_name, pinvoke_method) def emit_python_type_field(self, typebld): return typebld.DefineField( "PythonType", PythonType, FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.Static) def set_python_type_field(self, new_type): self.PythonType = new_type.GetField("PythonType") self.PythonType.SetValue(None, self) def add_wrapper_ctors(self, baseType, typebld): python_type_field = self.emit_python_type_field(typebld) for ctor in baseType.GetConstructors(): ctorparams = ctor.GetParameters() # leave out the PythonType argument assert(ctorparams[0].ParameterType == clr.GetClrType(PythonType)) ctorparams = ctorparams[1:] ctorbld = typebld.DefineConstructor( ctor.Attributes, ctor.CallingConvention, tuple([p.ParameterType for p in ctorparams])) ilgen = ctorbld.GetILGenerator() ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, python_type_field) for index in xrange(len(ctorparams)): ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, index + 1) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ctor) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) def emit_members(self, typebld): self.emit_fields(typebld) self.add_wrapper_ctors(self.baseType, typebld) super(ClrClass, self).emit_members(typebld) def map_members(self, new_type): self.map_fields(new_type) self.map_pinvoke_methods(new_type) self.set_python_type_field(new_type) super(ClrClass, self).map_members(new_type) def __clrtype__(self): # CDerived below will use ClrClass as its metaclass, but the user may not expect CDerived # to be a typed .NET class in this case: # # class CBase(object): # __metaclass__ = ClrClass # class CDerived(CBase): pass if not "__metaclass__" in self.__dict__: return super(ClrClass, self).__clrtype__() # Create a simple Python type first. self.baseType = super(ClrType, self).__clrtype__() # We will now subtype it to create a customized class with the # CLR attributes as defined by the user typegen = Snippets.Shared.DefineType(self.get_clr_type_name(), self.baseType, True, False) typebld = typegen.TypeBuilder return self.create_type(typebld) def make_cab(attrib_type, *args, **kwds): clrtype = clr.GetClrType(attrib_type) argtypes = tuple(map(lambda x:clr.GetClrType(type(x)), args)) ci = clrtype.GetConstructor(argtypes) props = ([],[]) fields = ([],[]) for kwd in kwds: pi = clrtype.GetProperty(kwd) if pi is not None: props[0].append(pi) props[1].append(kwds[kwd]) else: fi = clrtype.GetField(kwd) if fi is not None: fields[0].append(fi) fields[1].append(kwds[kwd]) else: raise TypeError("No %s Member found on %s" % (kwd, clrtype.Name)) return CustomAttributeBuilder(ci, args, tuple(props[0]), tuple(props[1]), tuple(fields[0]), tuple(fields[1])) def accepts(*args): """ TODO - needs to be merged with clr.accepts """ validate_clr_types(args, True) def decorator(function): function.arg_types = args return function return decorator def returns(return_type = Void): """ TODO - needs to be merged with clr.returns """ if return_type != Void: validate_clr_types(return_type) def decorator(function): function.return_type = return_type return function return decorator class CustomAttributeDecorator(object): """ This represents information about a custom-attribute applied to a type or a method Note that we cannot use an instance of System.Attribute to capture this information as it is not possible to go from an instance of System.Attribute to an instance of System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder as the latter needs to know how to represent information in metadata to later *recreate* a similar instance of System.Attribute. Also note that once a CustomAttributeBuilder is created, it is not possible to query it. Hence, we need to store the arguments required to store the CustomAttributeBuilder so that pseudo-custom-attributes can get to the information. """ def __init__(self, attrib_type, *args, **kwargs): self.attrib_type = attrib_type self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, function): if self.attrib_type == DllImportAttribute: function.DllImportAttributeDecorator = self else: if not hasattr(function, "CustomAttributeBuilders"): function.CustomAttributeBuilders = [] function.CustomAttributeBuilders.append(self.GetBuilder()) return function def GetBuilder(self): assert not self.attrib_type in [DllImportAttribute] return make_cab(self.attrib_type, *self.args, **self.kwargs) def attribute(attrib_type): """ This decorator is used to specify a CustomAttribute for a type or method. """ def make_decorator(*args, **kwargs): return CustomAttributeDecorator(attrib_type, *args, **kwargs) return make_decorator def propagate_attributes(old_function, new_function): """ Use this if you replace a function in a type with ClrInterface or ClrClass as the metaclass. This will typically be needed if you are defining a decorator which wraps functions with new functions, and want it to work in conjunction with clrtype """ if hasattr(old_function, "return_type"): new_function.func_name = old_function.func_name new_function.return_type = old_function.return_type new_function.arg_types = old_function.arg_types if hasattr(old_function, "CustomAttributeBuilders"): new_function.CustomAttributeBuilders = old_function.CustomAttributeBuilders if hasattr(old_function, "CustomAttributeBuilders"): new_function.DllImportAttributeDecorator = old_function.DllImportAttributeDecorator