using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using CC_Functions.Core; namespace CC_Functions.Commandline.TUI { /// /// A basic button type /// public class Button : Control { /// /// The text inside this button /// public string Content; /// /// Creates a new button /// /// The text inside this button public Button(string content) { Content = content; char[,] tmp = Content.ToNdArray2D(); Size = new Size(tmp.GetLength(1), tmp.GetLength(0)); } /// public override bool Selectable { get; } = true; /// public override Pixel[,] Render() { char[,] inp = Indent(SplitLines(Content, Size.Width), Size.Width).ToNdArray2D(); inp = inp.Resize(Size.Height, Size.Width); Pixel[,] output = new Pixel[Size.Height, Size.Width]; for (int x = 0; x < Size.Height; x++) for (int y = 0; y < Size.Width; y++) output[x, y] = new Pixel(Selected ? ForeColor : BackColor, Selected ? BackColor : ForeColor, inp[x, y]); return output; } private string Indent(string source, int maxLen) { string[] tmp = source.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++) tmp[i] = new string(SpecialChars.Empty, (maxLen - tmp[i].Length) / 2) + tmp[i]; return string.Join('\n', tmp); } private string SplitLines(string source, int maxLen) { List parts = new List(source.Split()); while (parts.Any(s => s.Length > maxLen)) { parts = parts.SelectMany(s => { if (s.Length > maxLen) return s.Insert(maxLen, "\n").Split('\n'); else return new[] {s}; }).ToList(); } return string.Join('\n', parts); } } }