using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; namespace CC_Functions.Misc { /// /// Contains extension functions to work with 1D and 2D arrays /// public static class ArrayFormatter { /// /// Copies and resizes the array /// /// The original array. This is not modified /// The new amount of elements /// The type of elements in the array /// The new, resized array public static T[] Resize(this T[] original, int elements) { T[] output = new T[original.Length]; original.CopyTo(output, 0); Array.Resize(ref output, elements); return output; } /// /// Copies and resizes the array /// /// The original array. This is not modified /// The new amount of elements in dimension 0 /// The new amount of elements in dimension 1 /// The element to place in empty fields of the new array /// The type of elements in the array /// The new, resized array public static T[,] Resize(this T[,] original, int rows, int cols, T defaultEl = default) { T[,] newArray = new T[rows, cols]; newArray.Populate(defaultEl); int minRows = Math.Min(rows, original.GetLength(0)); int minCols = Math.Min(cols, original.GetLength(1)); for (int i = 0; i < minRows; i++) for (int j = 0; j < minCols; j++) newArray[i, j] = original[i, j]; return newArray; } /// /// Converts a string to a 2d char array using newlines /// /// The source string /// The element to place in empty fields of the new array /// The generated array public static char[,] ToNdArray2D(this string source, char defaultEl = SpecialChars.Empty) { string[] sourceArr = source.Split('\n'); int width = sourceArr.Select(s => s.Length).OrderBy(s => s).Last(); int height = sourceArr.Length; char[,] output = new char[height, width]; output.Populate(defaultEl); for (int i = 0; i < sourceArr.Length; i++) { string s = sourceArr[i]; for (int j = 0; j < s.Length; j++) output[i, j] = s[j]; } return output; } /// /// Clears and fills the array with the specified value /// /// The array to populate /// The value to copy to the array, defaults to the default value (usually null) /// The type of elements in the array public static void Populate(this T[] arr, T value = default) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) arr[i] = value; } /// /// Clears and fills the array with the specified value /// /// The array to populate /// The value to copy to the array, defaults to the default value (usually null) /// The type of elements in the array public static void Populate(this T[,] arr, T value) { int w = arr.GetLength(0); int h = arr.GetLength(1); for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) arr[i, j] = value; } /// /// Copies the content of a 2D array to another with offset /// /// The array to copy from /// The array to copy to /// The copy offset /// The type of elements in the array public static void CopyTo(this T[,] arr, T[,] target, Point offset) { int w = arr.GetLength(1); int h = arr.GetLength(0); int mw = target.GetLength(1); int mh = target.GetLength(0); int ow = offset.X; int oh = offset.Y; for (int x = ow; x < Math.Min(mw, w + ow); x++) for (int y = oh; y < Math.Min(mh, h + oh); y++) target[y, x] = arr[y - oh, x - ow]; } /// /// Copies and rotates the 2d array (row->column, column->row) /// /// The array to copy from /// The type of elements in the array /// The new, rotated array public static T[,] Rotate(this T[,] arr) { int w = arr.GetLength(0); int h = arr.GetLength(1); T[,] target = new T[h, w]; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) target[y, x] = arr[x, y]; return target; } } }