using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using static CC_Functions.W32.Privileges; namespace CC_Functions.W32 { public static class Power { [Flags] public enum ExitWindows : uint { // ONE of the following five: LogOff = 0x00, ShutDown = 0x01, Reboot = 0x02, PowerOff = 0x08, RestartApps = 0x40, // plus AT MOST ONE of the following two: Force = 0x04, ForceIfHung = 0x10 } [Flags] public enum ShutdownMod : uint { None = 0x00, Force = 0x04, ForceIfHung = 0x10 } [Flags] public enum ShutdownMode : uint { LogOff = 0x00, ShutDown = 0x01, Reboot = 0x02, PowerOff = 0x08, RestartApps = 0x40, BSoD = 0x29a } [Flags] public enum ShutdownReason : uint { MajorApplication = 0x00040000, MajorHardware = 0x00010000, MajorLegacyApi = 0x00070000, MajorOperatingSystem = 0x00020000, MajorOther = 0x00000000, MajorPower = 0x00060000, MajorSoftware = 0x00030000, MajorSystem = 0x00050000, MinorBlueScreen = 0x0000000F, MinorCordUnplugged = 0x0000000b, MinorDisk = 0x00000007, MinorEnvironment = 0x0000000c, MinorHardwareDriver = 0x0000000d, MinorHotfix = 0x00000011, MinorHung = 0x00000005, MinorInstallation = 0x00000002, MinorMaintenance = 0x00000001, MinorMMC = 0x00000019, MinorNetworkConnectivity = 0x00000014, MinorNetworkCard = 0x00000009, MinorOther = 0x00000000, MinorOtherDriver = 0x0000000e, MinorPowerSupply = 0x0000000a, MinorProcessor = 0x00000008, MinorReconfig = 0x00000004, MinorSecurity = 0x00000013, MinorSecurityFix = 0x00000012, MinorSecurityFixUninstall = 0x00000018, MinorServicePack = 0x00000010, MinorServicePackUninstall = 0x00000016, MinorTermSrv = 0x00000020, MinorUnstable = 0x00000006, MinorUpgrade = 0x00000003, MinorWMI = 0x00000015, FlagUserDefined = 0x40000000, FlagPlanned = 0x80000000 } [DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern IntPtr RtlAdjustPrivilege(int Privilege, bool bEnablePrivilege, bool IsThreadPrivilege, out bool PreviousValue); [DllImport("ntdll.dll")] private static extern uint NtRaiseHardError( uint ErrorStatus, uint NumberOfParameters, uint UnicodeStringParameterMask, IntPtr Parameters, uint ValidResponseOption, out uint Response ); [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] private static extern bool ExitWindowsEx(ExitWindows uFlags, ShutdownReason dwReason); public static void RaiseEvent(ShutdownMode mode, ShutdownReason reason = ShutdownReason.MinorOther, ShutdownMod mod = ShutdownMod.None) { if (mode == ShutdownMode.BSoD) { bool t1; uint t2; RtlAdjustPrivilege(19, true, false, out t1); NtRaiseHardError(0xc0000022, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 6, out t2); } else { EnablePrivilege(SecurityEntity.SeShutdownPrivilege); ExitWindowsEx((ExitWindows) ((uint) mode | (uint) mod), reason); } } } }