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package io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.throwable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;
import java.util.Objects;
* Removes the need for casting when composing throwables
public class Coerce {
* Coerce the java compiler to interpret a lambda as a throwing biConsumer
* @param tr A throwing biConsumer
* @return The throwing biConsumer
@Contract(value = "_ -> param1", pure = true)
public static <T, U, TEx extends Throwable> @NotNull ThrowingBiConsumer<T, U, TEx> biConsumer(@NotNull ThrowingBiConsumer<T, U, TEx> tr) {
return tr;
* Coerce the java compiler to interpret a lambda as a throwing biFunction
* @param tr A throwing biFunction
* @return The throwing biFunction
@Contract(value = "_ -> param1", pure = true)
public static <T, U, R, TEx extends Throwable> @NotNull ThrowingBiFunction<T, U, R, TEx> biFunction(@NotNull ThrowingBiFunction<T, U, R, TEx> tr) {
return tr;
* Coerce the java compiler to interpret a lambda as a throwing booleanSupplier
* @param tr A throwing booleanSupplier
* @return The throwing booleanSupplier
@Contract(value = "_ -> param1", pure = true)
public static <TEx extends Throwable> @NotNull ThrowingBooleanSupplier<TEx> booleanSupplier(@NotNull ThrowingBooleanSupplier<TEx> tr) {
return tr;
* Coerce the java compiler to interpret a lambda as a throwing consumer
* @param tr A throwing consumer
* @return The throwing consumer
@Contract(value = "_ -> param1", pure = true)
public static <T, TEx extends Throwable> @NotNull ThrowingConsumer<T, TEx> consumer(@NotNull ThrowingConsumer<T, TEx> tr) {
return tr;
* Coerce the java compiler to interpret a lambda as a throwing function
* @param tr A throwing function
* @return The throwing function
@Contract(value = "_ -> param1", pure = true)
public static <T, R, TEx extends Throwable> @NotNull ThrowingFunction<T, R, TEx> function(@NotNull ThrowingFunction<T, R, TEx> tr) {
return tr;
* Coerce the java compiler to interpret a lambda as a throwing predicate
* @param tr A throwing predicate
* @return The throwing predicate
@Contract(value = "_ -> param1", pure = true)
public static <T, TEx extends Throwable> @NotNull ThrowingPredicate<T, TEx> predicate(@NotNull ThrowingPredicate<T, TEx> tr) {
return tr;
* Coerce the java compiler to interpret a lambda as a throwing runnable
* @param tr A throwing runnable
* @return The throwing runnable
@Contract(value = "_ -> param1", pure = true)
public static <TEx extends Throwable> @NotNull ThrowingRunnable<TEx> runnable(@NotNull ThrowingRunnable<TEx> tr) {
return tr;
* Coerce the java compiler to interpret a lambda as a throwing supplier
* @param tr A throwing supplier
* @return The throwing supplier
@Contract(value = "_ -> param1", pure = true)
public static <T, TEx extends Throwable> @NotNull ThrowingSupplier<T, TEx> supplier(@NotNull ThrowingSupplier<T, TEx> tr) {
return tr;
* Example:
* {@code interface Test<T> {
* T get();
* void consume(T t);
* }
* class Example {
* Test<?> instance;
* void function() {
*, v -> instance.consume(v)); // This can compile
* instance.consume(instance.get()); // This cannot
* }
* }}
* @param value The value to pin
* @param func The function to apply to the pinned value
* @param <TIn> The type of the value to pin
* @param <TOut> The return type of the function
* @param <TEx> An exception type (if needed)
* @return The result of the function
* @throws TEx If the function throws, nothing is handled here
public static <TIn, TOut, TEx extends Throwable> TOut pin(@Nullable TIn value, @NotNull ThrowingFunction<TIn, TOut, TEx> func) throws TEx {
return Objects.requireNonNull(func).apply(value);
* @param value The value to pin
* @param func The function to apply to the pinned value
* @param <TIn> The type of the value to pin
* @param <TEx> An exception type (if needed)
* @throws TEx If the function throws, nothing is handled here
public static <TIn, TEx extends Throwable> void pin(@Nullable TIn value, @NotNull ThrowingConsumer<TIn, TEx> func) throws TEx {
* Example:
* {@code interface Test<T> {
* T get();
* void consume(T t);
* }
* class Example {
* Test<?> instance;
* void function() {
*, v -> instance.consume(v)); // This can compile
* instance.consume(instance.get()); // This cannot
* }
* }}
* @param value The value to pin
* @param func The function to apply to the pinned value
* @param <TIn> The type of the value to pin
* @param <TOut> The return type of the function
* @param <TEx> An exception type (if needed)
* @return The result of the function
* @throws TEx If the function throws, nothing is handled here
public static <TIn, TOut, TEx extends Throwable> TOut pinF(@Nullable TIn value, @NotNull ThrowingFunction<TIn, TOut, TEx> func) throws TEx {
return Objects.requireNonNull(func).apply(value);
* @param value The value to pin
* @param func The function to apply to the pinned value
* @param <TIn> The type of the value to pin
* @param <TEx> An exception type (if needed)
* @throws TEx If the function throws, nothing is handled here
public static <TIn, TEx extends Throwable> void pinC(@Nullable TIn value, @NotNull ThrowingConsumer<TIn, TEx> func) throws TEx {