package io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.gson; import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.serialize.gson.api.v2.GsonHolders; import; import*; import; public class GsonLib { public static Scope addTo(Scope scope) { return scope .set("toJson", GsonLib::toJson) .set("fromJson", GsonLib::fromJson); } public static DString toJson(DList args) { if (args.isEmpty() || args.size() > 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of arguments for toJson: expected 1 or 2 but got " + args.size()); Dynamic source = args.get(0); boolean lenient = args.size() > 1 && args.get(1).asBool().getValue(); return DFinal.of((lenient ? GsonHolders.CONFIG : GsonHolders.API).getGson().toJson(source)); } public static Dynamic fromJson(DList args) { if (args.isEmpty() || args.size() > 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of arguments for fromJson: expected 1 or 2 but got " + args.size()); String source = args.get(0).asString().getValue(); boolean lenient = args.size() > 1 && args.get(1).asBool().getValue(); return (lenient ? GsonHolders.CONFIG : GsonHolders.API).getGson().fromJson(source, Dynamic.class); } }