# μScript μScript was created to allow respackopts pack authors to specify conditions for loading resources in a more human-friendly manner than the previous json tree-based system. It is intended to be vaguely like java in its syntax, though it deviates in some aspects. The language is parsed into an AST representation which is executed in-place, no compilation is performed. μScript supports outputting data using various types, not just strings or booleans ## Value types This DSL supports numbers (double), booleans, strings, objects, lists and functions. The topmost operator of a condition must always return a boolean for it to be valid in the context of respackopts. The values of input data are according to the pack config. String literals may be written with quotation marks as follows: `"some text"` or `'some text'` Numbers may be written as follows: `103` or `10.15` Booleans may be written either as `true` or `false` You can find more information about the syntax for functions below. Objects and lists cannot be created manually but may be provided to the script as parameters or from functions. Additionally, function parameters will automatically be packed in a list Please ensure you use proper whitespace, as this might behave unexpectedly otherwise. ## Operators Numbers support the following operators (x and y are numbers): - Addition: `x + y` - Subtraction: `x - y` - Multiplication: `x * y` - Division: `x / y` - Modulo: `x % y` - Power: `x ^ y` - Inversion: `-x` - Greater than: `x > y` - Greater than or equal: `x >= y` - Less than: `x < y` - Less than or equal: `x <= y` - Equality: `x == y` - Inequality: `x != y` Strings support the following operators (x and y are strings, a is any value): - Equality: `x == y` - Inequality: `x != y` - Concatenation: `x || a` or `a || x` Booleans support the following operators (x and y are booleans, a and b are values of the same type): - Conditional: `x ? a : b` - Inversion: `!x` - And: `x & y` - Or: `x | y` - Equality (=XNOR): `x == y` - Inequality (=XOR): `x != y` Objects support the following operators (x is an object with an entry called `entry`): - Value access via `.`: `x.entry` - Value access via square brackets: `x["entry"]` (also supports other types) Parentheses (`()`) may be used to indicate order of operation. ## Closures (functions) One may define a closure as follows: `{list, of, arguments -> body}`. The body of a closure may contain multiple expressions, which can be (but don't have to be) seperated by semicolons. In that case, the return value of the last expression will be the return value of the closure. The arrow (`->`) must always be present, even if the closure takes no arguments. The amount of arguments is checked at runtime, so the amount used to call the function MUST be correct. In closures (or multi-expression scripts for that matter), you may assign variables as follows: `name = value`. Please note that you cannot assign values to fields of objects. You may also assign a closure to a variable to use it like a named function. This could look as follows: `someFunction = {arg -> arg * arg}` Please also be aware that μScript does NOT allow you to modify variables of outer scopes from inner scopes. ## Embedding μScript μScript is available as a [maven package](https://maven.frohnmeyer-wds.de/#/artifacts/io/gitlab/jfronny/muscript) which you can add to your project. To use it, first parse an expression via `Parser.parse(String script)` and convert the returned generic expression to a typed one by calling `as(Bool|String|Number|Dynamic)Expr`. This process may throw a ParseException. You may also use `Parser.parseScript(String script)` for multi-expression scripts. You can call `get(Dynamic dataRoot)` on the result to execute the script on the provided data, which should be a `Scope` on which you called `StandardLib.addTo()` to add standard methods. This is also where you can add custom data to be accessed by your script. The execution of a script can throw a LocationalException which may be converted to a LocationalError for printing using the source of the expression if available. You may also call `StarScriptIngester.starScriptToMu()` to generate μScript code from StarScript code. A full example could look as follows: ```java String source = args[0]; Expr parsed; try { parsed = Parser.parse(source); // or Parser.parse(StarScriptIngester.starScriptToMu(source)) } catch (Parser.ParseException e) { // Could not parse System.err.println(e.error); return; } BoolExpr typed; try { typed = parsed.asBoolExpr(); } catch (LocationalException e) { System.err.println(e.asPrintable(source)); return; } Scope scope = StandardLib.addTo(new Scope()) .set("someValue", DFinal.of(15)) .set("someOther", DFinal.of(Map.of( "subValue", DFinal.of(true) ))); boolean result; try { result = typed.get(parameter); } catch (LocationalException e) { System.err.println(e.asPrintable(source)); return; } System.out.println("Result: " + result); ```