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package io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.compiler;
2023-01-20 18:52:57 +01:00
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.ast.*;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.ast.bool.*;
2023-01-20 18:52:57 +01:00
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.ast.conditional.UnresolvedConditional;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.ast.dynamic.*;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.ast.dynamic.assign.DynamicAssign;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.ast.literal.DynamicLiteral;
2023-01-20 18:52:57 +01:00
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.ast.math.*;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.ast.string.Concatenate;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.compiler.lexer.LegacyLexer;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.compiler.lexer.Lexer;
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.error.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
2023-09-15 19:21:14 +02:00
public class Parser extends VersionedComponent {
private final Lexer lexer;
private Lexer.Token previous = null;
2023-09-15 19:21:14 +02:00
public static Expr<?> parse(MuScriptVersion version, String source) {
return parse(version, source, null);
public static Expr<?> parse(MuScriptVersion version, String source, String file) {
return new Parser(new LegacyLexer(version, source, file)).parse().optimize();
2023-09-15 19:21:14 +02:00
public static Script parseScript(MuScriptVersion version, String source) {
return parseScript(version, source, null);
public static Script parseScript(MuScriptVersion version, String source, String file) {
return new Parser(new LegacyLexer(version, source, file)).parseScript().optimize();
2023-09-15 19:21:14 +02:00
public static Script parseMultiScript(MuScriptVersion version, String startFile, SourceFS filesystem) {
return new Script(parseMultiScript(version, startFile, filesystem, new HashSet<>()).stream().flatMap(Script::stream).toList());
private static List<Script> parseMultiScript(MuScriptVersion version, String startFile, SourceFS filesystem, Set<String> alreadyIncluded) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
boolean isIncludes = true;
StringBuilder src = new StringBuilder();
List<Script> includes = new LinkedList<>();
int row = 0;
final String includePrefix = "#include ";
for (String s :"\n")) {
if (s.isBlank()) {
} else if (s.startsWith(includePrefix)) {
if (isIncludes) {
String file = s.substring(includePrefix.length());
src.append("// include ").append(file).append("\n");
if (!alreadyIncluded.contains(file)) {
2023-09-15 19:21:14 +02:00
includes.addAll(parseMultiScript(version, file, filesystem, alreadyIncluded));
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
} else {
2023-04-18 14:54:39 +02:00
throw new ParseException(PrettyPrintError.builder()
.setLocation(new PrettyPrintError.Location(s, 0, row), new PrettyPrintError.Location(s, s.length() - 1, row))
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
.setMessage("Includes MUST be located at the top of the file")
} else {
isIncludes = false;
2023-09-21 21:08:40 +02:00
includes.add(parseScript(version, src.toString(), startFile));
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
return includes;
public Parser(io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.compiler.Lexer lexer) {
this(new LegacyLexer(lexer));
public Parser(Lexer lexer) {
this.lexer = lexer;
2023-01-20 18:52:57 +01:00
* Generate a single expression.
* Must exhaust the source!
* @return the resulting expression
public Expr<?> parse() {
2023-01-20 17:47:41 +01:00
Expr<?> expr = expression();
2023-09-15 19:21:14 +02:00
if (!isAtEnd() && version.contains(MuScriptVersion.V2))
2023-04-18 14:54:39 +02:00
throw new ParseException(PrettyPrintError.builder(lexer.location()).setMessage("Unexpected element after end of expression").build());
2023-01-20 17:47:41 +01:00
return expr;
* Generate a script instance.
* Multiple instructions will be executed in sequence and the result of the last one will be returned.
* @return the resulting expression
public Script parseScript() {
List<Expr<?>> expressions = new LinkedList<>();
while (!isAtEnd()) {
// Consume semicolon if present
if (!lexer.wasNewlinePassed() & !match(Token.Semicolon) & !isAtEnd() & version.contains(MuScriptVersion.V3)) {
throw error("Either a semicolon or a new line must separate expressions in scripts");
2023-04-18 14:54:39 +02:00
if (expressions.isEmpty()) throw new ParseException(PrettyPrintError.builder(lexer.location()).setMessage("Missing any elements in closure").build());
return new Script(expressions);
// Expressions
private Expr<?> expression() {
try {
2023-01-24 12:29:47 +01:00
return conditional();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (e instanceof ParseException) throw e;
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
else if (e instanceof LocationalException le) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
throw new ParseException(le.asPrintable(), le.getCause());
2022-11-24 19:05:51 +01:00
} else throw error(e.getMessage());
private Expr<?> conditional() {
Expr<?> expr = and();
if (match(Token.QuestionMark)) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
Expr<?> trueExpr = expression();
2023-03-12 16:16:27 +01:00
consume(Token.Colon, "Expected ':' after first part of condition");
Expr<?> falseExpr = expression();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
expr = new UnresolvedConditional(location, asBool(expr), trueExpr, falseExpr);
return expr;
private Expr<?> and() {
Expr<?> expr = or();
while (match(Token.And)) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
Expr<?> right = or();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
expr = new And(location, asBool(expr), asBool(right));
return expr;
private Expr<?> or() {
Expr<?> expr = equality();
while (match(Token.Or)) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
Expr<?> right = equality();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
expr = new Or(location, asBool(expr), asBool(right));
return expr;
private Expr<?> equality() {
Expr<?> expr = concat();
while (match(Token.EqualEqual, Token.BangEqual)) {
Token op = previous.token();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
Expr<?> right = concat();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
BoolExpr e = new Equal(location, expr, right);
if (op == Token.BangEqual) e = new Not(location, e);
expr = e;
return expr;
private Expr<?> concat() {
Expr<?> expr = comparison();
while (match(Token.Concat)) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
Expr<?> right = comparison();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
expr = new Concatenate(location, asString(expr), asString(right));
return expr;
private Expr<?> comparison() {
Expr<?> expr = term();
while (match(Token.Greater, Token.GreaterEqual, Token.Less, Token.LessEqual)) {
Token op = previous.token();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
NumberExpr right = asNumber(term());
expr = switch (op) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
case Greater -> new Greater(location, asNumber(expr), right);
case GreaterEqual -> new Not(location, new Greater(location, right, asNumber(expr)));
case Less -> new Greater(location, right, asNumber(expr));
case LessEqual -> new Not(location, new Greater(location, asNumber(expr), right));
default -> throw new IllegalStateException();
return expr;
private Expr<?> term() {
Expr<?> expr = factor();
while (match(Token.Plus, Token.Minus)) {
Token op = previous.token();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
NumberExpr right = asNumber(factor());
expr = switch (op) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
case Plus -> new Plus(location, asNumber(expr), right);
case Minus -> new Minus(location, asNumber(expr), right);
default -> throw new IllegalStateException();
return expr;
private Expr<?> factor() {
Expr<?> expr = exp();
while (match(Token.Star, Token.Slash, Token.Percentage)) {
Token op = previous.token();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
NumberExpr right = asNumber(exp());
expr = switch (op) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
case Star -> new Multiply(location, asNumber(expr), right);
case Slash -> new Divide(location, asNumber(expr), right);
case Percentage -> new Modulo(location, asNumber(expr), right);
default -> throw new IllegalStateException();
return expr;
private Expr<?> exp() {
Expr<?> expr = unary();
while (match(Token.UpArrow)) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
NumberExpr right = asNumber(unary());
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
expr = new Power(location, asNumber(expr), right);
return expr;
private Expr<?> unary() {
if (match(Token.Bang, Token.Minus)) {
Token op = previous.token();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
Expr<?> right = unary();
return switch (op) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
case Bang -> new Not(location, asBool(right));
case Minus -> new Invert(location, asNumber(right));
default -> throw new IllegalStateException();
return call();
private Expr<?> call() {
Expr<?> expr = primary();
2023-03-11 13:19:53 +01:00
while (match(Token.LeftParen, Token.Dot, Token.LeftBracket, Token.DoubleColon)) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
expr = switch (previous.token()) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
case LeftParen -> finishCall(location, expr);
case Dot -> {
Lexer.Token name = consume(Token.Identifier, "Expected field name after '.'");
yield new Get(location, asDynamic(expr), Expr.literal(name.location(), name.lexeme()));
2023-03-11 13:19:53 +01:00
case DoubleColon -> {
DynamicExpr callable;
if (match(Token.Identifier)) {
callable = new Variable(previous.location(), previous.lexeme());
} else if (match(Token.LeftParen)) {
callable = expression().asDynamicExpr();
2023-03-12 16:16:27 +01:00
consume(Token.RightParen, "Expected ')' after expression");
} else throw error("Bind operator requires right side to be a literal identifier or to be wrapped in parentheses.");
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
yield new Bind(location, callable, expr.asDynamicExpr());
2023-03-11 13:19:53 +01:00
case LeftBracket -> {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
expr = new Get(location, asDynamic(expr), expression());
consume(Token.RightBracket, "Expected closing bracket");
yield expr;
default -> throw new IllegalStateException();
return expr;
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
private Expr<?> finishCall(CodeLocation location, Expr<?> callee) {
2023-01-24 13:43:46 +01:00
List<Call.Arg> args = new ArrayList<>(2);
if (!check(Token.RightParen)) {
do {
2023-01-24 13:43:46 +01:00
args.add(new Call.Arg(asDynamic(expression()), match(Token.Ellipsis)));
} while (match(Token.Comma));
2023-03-12 16:16:27 +01:00
consume(Token.RightParen, "Expected ')' after function arguments");
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
return new Call(location, asDynamic(callee), args);
private Expr<?> primary() {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
if (match(Token.Null)) return Expr.literalNull(previous.location());
if (match(Token.String)) return Expr.literal(previous.location(), previous.lexeme());
if (match(Token.True, Token.False)) return Expr.literal(previous.location(), previous.lexeme().equals("true"));
if (match(Token.Number)) return Expr.literal(previous.location(), Double.parseDouble(previous.lexeme()));
2023-01-24 12:29:47 +01:00
if (match(Token.Identifier)) {
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
CodeLocation location = previous.location();
String name = previous.lexeme();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
if (match(Token.Assign)) return new DynamicAssign(location, name, expression().asDynamicExpr());
else return new Variable(location, name);
2023-01-24 12:29:47 +01:00
if (match(Token.LeftParen)) {
Expr<?> expr = expression();
2023-03-12 16:16:27 +01:00
consume(Token.RightParen, "Expected ')' after expression");
return expr;
if (match(Token.LeftBrace)) {
int start = previous.start();
if (match(Token.Arrow)) return finishClosure(start, null, false);
if (match(Token.RightBrace)) return new DynamicLiteral<>(location(start, previous.start()), DFinal.of(Map.of()));
consume(Token.Identifier, "Expected arrow or identifier as first element in closure or object");
String first = previous.lexeme();
if (check(Token.Arrow)) return finishClosure(start, first, false);
if (match(Token.Ellipsis)) return finishClosure(start, first, true);
if (check(Token.Comma)) return finishClosure(start, first, false);
if (match(Token.Assign)) {
return finishObject(start, first, expression().asDynamicExpr());
throw error("Unexpected");
throw error("Expected expression.");
private Expr<?> finishClosure(int start, @Nullable String firstArg, boolean firstVariadic) {
List<String> boundArgs = new LinkedList<>();
boolean variadic = false;
if (firstArg != null) {
if (firstVariadic) {
consume(Token.Arrow, "Variadic argument MUST be the last argument");
variadic = true;
} else {
while (!match(Token.Arrow)) {
consume(Token.Comma, "Closure parameters MUST be comma-seperated");
consume(Token.Identifier, "Closure arguments MUST be identifiers");
if (match(Token.Ellipsis)) {
variadic = true;
consume(Token.Arrow, "Variadic argument MUST be the last argument");
List<Expr<?>> expressions = new LinkedList<>();
while (!match(Token.RightBrace)) {
// Consume semicolon if present
if (!lexer.wasNewlinePassed() & !match(Token.Semicolon) & version.contains(MuScriptVersion.V3)) {
if (match(Token.RightBrace)) break;
throw error("Either a semicolon or a new line must separate expressions in closures");
int end = previous.start();
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
return new Closure(location(start, end), boundArgs, expressions, variadic);
private Expr<?> finishObject(int start, @Nullable String firstArg, @Nullable DynamicExpr firstValue) {
Map<String, DynamicExpr> content = new LinkedHashMap<>();
content.put(firstArg, firstValue);
while (match(Token.Comma)) {
consume(Token.Identifier, "Object element MUST start with an identifier");
String name = previous.lexeme();
consume(Token.Assign, "Object element name and value MUST be seperated with '='");
content.put(name, expression().asDynamicExpr());
consume(Token.RightBrace, "Expected end of object");
return new ObjectLiteral(location(start, previous.start()), content);
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
// Type conversion
private BoolExpr asBool(Expr<?> expression) {
try {
return expression.asBoolExpr();
} catch (TypeMismatchException e) {
2023-01-20 17:47:41 +01:00
throw error(e.getMessage(), expression);
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
private NumberExpr asNumber(Expr<?> expression) {
try {
return expression.asNumberExpr();
} catch (TypeMismatchException e) {
2023-01-20 17:47:41 +01:00
throw error(e.getMessage(), expression);
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
private StringExpr asString(Expr<?> expression) {
try {
return expression.asStringExpr();
} catch (TypeMismatchException e) {
2023-01-20 17:47:41 +01:00
throw error(e.getMessage(), expression);
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
private DynamicExpr asDynamic(Expr<?> expression) {
try {
return expression.asDynamicExpr();
} catch (TypeMismatchException e) {
2023-01-20 17:47:41 +01:00
throw error(e.getMessage(), expression);
2022-06-13 13:31:54 +02:00
// Helpers
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
private CodeLocation location(int chStart, int chEnd) {
return new CodeLocation(chStart, chEnd, lexer.getSource(), lexer.getFile());
2023-04-18 13:40:34 +02:00
private ParseException error(String message) {
int loc = lexer.getPrevious().current() - 1;
2023-04-18 14:54:39 +02:00
return new ParseException(PrettyPrintError.builder(location(loc, loc)).setMessage(message).build());
2023-01-20 17:47:41 +01:00
private ParseException error(String message, Expr<?> expr) {
2023-04-18 14:54:39 +02:00
return new ParseException(PrettyPrintError.builder(expr.location).setMessage(message).build());
2023-01-20 17:47:41 +01:00
private Lexer.Token consume(Token token, String message) {
if (check(token)) return advance();
throw error(message + " but got " + lexer.getPrevious().token());
private boolean match(Token... tokens) {
for (Token token : tokens) {
if (check(token)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean check(Token token) {
if (isAtEnd()) return false;
return lexer.getPrevious().token() == token;
private Lexer.Token advance() {
previous = lexer.getPrevious();
if (lexer.getPrevious().token() == Token.Error) {
throw error(lexer.getPrevious().lexeme());
return previous;
private boolean isAtEnd() {
return lexer.getPrevious().token() == Token.EOF;
// Parse Exception
public static class ParseException extends RuntimeException {
2023-04-18 14:54:39 +02:00
public final PrettyPrintError error;
2023-04-18 14:54:39 +02:00
public ParseException(PrettyPrintError error) {
this.error = error;
2023-03-11 17:02:03 +01:00
2023-04-18 14:54:39 +02:00
public ParseException(PrettyPrintError error, Throwable cause) {
2023-03-11 17:02:03 +01:00
super(error.toString(), cause);
this.error = error;