Change Log ========== ## Version 2.5 _2015-11-24_ * Updated minimum JDK version to 1.6 * Improved Date Deserialization by accepting many date formats * Added support for `java.util.Currency`, `AtomicLong`, `AtomicLongArray`, `AtomicInteger`, `AtomicIntegerArray`, `AtomicBoolean` * Improved debugging information when some exceptions are thrown ## Version 2.4 _2015-10-04_ * **Drop `IOException` from `TypeAdapter.toJson()`.** This is a binary-compatible change, but may cause compiler errors where `IOExceptions` are being caught but no longer thrown. The correct fix for this problem is to remove the unnecessary `catch` clause. * New: `Gson.newJsonWriter` method returns configured `JsonWriter` instances. * New: `@SerializedName` now works with [AutoValue’s][autovalue] abstract property methods. * New: `@SerializedName` permits alternate names when deserializing. * New: `JsonWriter#jsonValue` writes raw JSON values. * New: APIs to add primitives directly to `JsonArray` instances. * New: ISO 8601 date type adapter. Find this in _extras_. * Fix: `FieldNamingPolicy` now works properly when running on a device with a Turkish locale. [autovalue]: