### Purpose ### Description ### Checklist - [ ] New code follows the [Google Java Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html) - [ ] If necessary, new public API validates arguments, for example rejects `null` - [ ] New public API has Javadoc - [ ] Javadoc uses `@since $next-version$` (`$next-version$` is a special placeholder which is automatically replaced during release) - [ ] If necessary, new unit tests have been added - [ ] Assertions in unit tests use [Truth](https://truth.dev/), see existing tests - [ ] No JUnit 3 features are used (such as extending class `TestCase`) - [ ] If this pull request fixes a bug, a new test was added for a situation which failed previously and is now fixed - [ ] `mvn clean verify javadoc:jar` passes without errors