package; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.*; public class ReflectionHelper { private static final RecordHelper RECORD_HELPER; static { RecordHelper instance; try { // Try to construct the RecordSupportedHelper, if this fails, records are not supported on this JVM. instance = new RecordSupportedHelper(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { instance = new RecordNotSupportedHelper(); } RECORD_HELPER = instance; } private ReflectionHelper() {} /** * Tries making the field accessible, wrapping any thrown exception in a {@link JsonIOException} * with descriptive message. * * @param field field to make accessible * @throws JsonIOException if making the field accessible fails */ public static void makeAccessible(Field field) throws JsonIOException { makeAccessible("field '" + field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "#" + field.getName() + "'", field); } /** * Tries making the constructor accessible, wrapping any thrown exception in a {@link JsonIOException} * with descriptive message. * * @param constructor constructor to make accessible * @throws JsonIOException if making the constructor accessible fails */ public static void makeAccessible(Constructor constructor) throws JsonIOException { makeAccessible( "constructor " + constructor + " in " + constructor.getDeclaringClass().getName(), constructor ); } /** * Internal implementation of making an {@link AccessibleObject} accessible. * * @param description describe what we are attempting to make accessible * @param object the object that {@link AccessibleObject#setAccessible(boolean)} should be called on. * @throws JsonIOException if making the object accessible fails */ private static void makeAccessible(String description, AccessibleObject object) throws JsonIOException { try { object.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new JsonIOException("Failed making " + description + "' accessible; either change its visibility " + "or write a custom TypeAdapter for its declaring type", exception); } } /** * Creates a string representation for a constructor. * E.g.: {@code java.lang.String#String(char[], int, int)} */ private static String constructorToString(Constructor constructor) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(constructor.getDeclaringClass().getName()) .append('#') .append(constructor.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()) .append('('); Class[] parameters = constructor.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { stringBuilder.append(", "); } stringBuilder.append(parameters[i].getSimpleName()); } return stringBuilder.append(')').toString(); } /** * Tries making the constructor accessible, returning an exception message * if this fails. * * @param constructor constructor to make accessible * @return exception message; {@code null} if successful, non-{@code null} if * unsuccessful */ public static String tryMakeAccessible(Constructor constructor) { try { constructor.setAccessible(true); return null; } catch (Exception exception) { return "Failed making constructor '" + constructorToString(constructor) + "' accessible; " + "either change its visibility or write a custom InstanceCreator or TypeAdapter for its declaring type: " // Include the message since it might contain more detailed information + exception.getMessage(); } } /** If records are supported on the JVM, this is equivalent to a call to Class.isRecord() */ public static boolean isRecord(Class raw) { return RECORD_HELPER.isRecord(raw); } public static String[] getRecordComponentNames(Class raw) { return RECORD_HELPER.getRecordComponentNames(raw); } /** Looks up the record accessor method that corresponds to the given record field */ public static Method getAccessor(Class raw, Field field) { return RECORD_HELPER.getAccessor(raw, field); } public static Constructor getCanonicalRecordConstructor(Class raw) { return RECORD_HELPER.getCanonicalRecordConstructor(raw); } public static RuntimeException createExceptionForUnexpectedIllegalAccess( IllegalAccessException exception) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected IllegalAccessException occurred (Gson " + GsonBuildConfig.VERSION + "). " + "Certain ReflectionAccessFilter features require Java >= 9 to work correctly. If you are not using " + "ReflectionAccessFilter, report this to the Gson maintainers.", exception); } public static RuntimeException createExceptionForRecordReflectionException( ReflectiveOperationException exception) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected ReflectiveOperationException occurred " + "(Gson " + GsonBuildConfig.VERSION + "). " + "To support Java records, reflection is utilized to read out information " + "about records. All these invocations happens after it is established " + "that records exists in the JVM. This exception is unexpected behaviour.", exception); } /** * Internal abstraction over reflection when Records are supported. */ private abstract static class RecordHelper { abstract boolean isRecord(Class clazz); abstract String[] getRecordComponentNames(Class clazz); abstract Constructor getCanonicalRecordConstructor(Class raw); public abstract Method getAccessor(Class raw, Field field); } private static class RecordSupportedHelper extends RecordHelper { private final Method isRecord; private final Method getRecordComponents; private final Method getName; private final Method getType; private final Method getAccessor; private RecordSupportedHelper() throws NoSuchMethodException { isRecord = Class.class.getMethod("isRecord"); getRecordComponents = Class.class.getMethod("getRecordComponents"); Class recordComponentType = getRecordComponents.getReturnType().getComponentType(); getName = recordComponentType.getMethod("getName"); getType = recordComponentType.getMethod("getType"); getAccessor = recordComponentType.getMethod("getAccessor"); } @Override boolean isRecord(Class raw) { try { return Boolean.class.cast(isRecord.invoke(raw)).booleanValue(); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw createExceptionForRecordReflectionException(e); } } @Override String[] getRecordComponentNames(Class raw) { try { Object[] recordComponents = (Object[]) getRecordComponents.invoke(raw); String[] componentNames = new String[recordComponents.length]; for (int i = 0; i < recordComponents.length; i++) { componentNames[i] = (String) getName.invoke(recordComponents[i]); } return componentNames; } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw createExceptionForRecordReflectionException(e); } } @Override public Constructor getCanonicalRecordConstructor(Class raw) { try { Object[] recordComponents = (Object[]) getRecordComponents.invoke(raw); Class[] recordComponentTypes = new Class[recordComponents.length]; for (int i = 0; i < recordComponents.length; i++) { recordComponentTypes[i] = (Class) getType.invoke(recordComponents[i]); } // Uses getDeclaredConstructor because implicit constructor has same visibility as record and might // therefore not be public return raw.getDeclaredConstructor(recordComponentTypes); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw createExceptionForRecordReflectionException(e); } } @Override public Method getAccessor(Class raw, Field field) { try { // Records consists of record components, each with a unique name, a corresponding field and accessor method // with the same name. Ref.: return raw.getMethod(field.getName()); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw createExceptionForRecordReflectionException(e); } } } /** * Instance used when records are not supported */ private static class RecordNotSupportedHelper extends RecordHelper { @Override boolean isRecord(Class clazz) { return false; } @Override String[] getRecordComponentNames(Class clazz) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Records are not supported on this JVM, this method should not be called"); } @Override Constructor getCanonicalRecordConstructor(Class raw) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Records are not supported on this JVM, this method should not be called"); } @Override public Method getAccessor(Class raw, Field field) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Records are not supported on this JVM, this method should not be called"); } } }