package; import static; import static; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeNotNull;; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; public class ReflectionAccessFilterTest { // Reader has protected `lock` field which cannot be accessed private static class ClassExtendingJdkClass extends Reader { @Override public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException { return 0; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { } } @Test public void testBlockInaccessibleJava() throws ReflectiveOperationException { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(ReflectionAccessFilter.BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE_JAVA) .create(); // Serialization should fail for classes with non-public fields try { gson.toJson(new File("a")); fail("Expected exception; test needs to be run with Java >= 9"); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { // Note: This test is rather brittle and depends on the JDK implementation assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat() .isEqualTo("Field '' is not accessible and ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit" + " making it accessible. Register a TypeAdapter for the declaring type, adjust the access" + " filter or increase the visibility of the element and its declaring type."); } // But serialization should succeed for classes with only public fields. // Not many JDK classes have mutable public fields, thank goodness, but java.awt.Point does. Class pointClass = null; try { pointClass = Class.forName("java.awt.Point"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } assumeNotNull(pointClass); Constructor pointConstructor = pointClass.getConstructor(int.class, int.class); Object point = pointConstructor.newInstance(1, 2); String json = gson.toJson(point); assertThat(json).isEqualTo("{\"x\":1,\"y\":2}"); } @Test public void testBlockInaccessibleJavaExtendingJdkClass() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(ReflectionAccessFilter.BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE_JAVA) .create(); try { gson.toJson(new ClassExtendingJdkClass()); fail("Expected exception; test needs to be run with Java >= 9"); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat() .isEqualTo("Field '' is not accessible and ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit" + " making it accessible. Register a TypeAdapter for the declaring type, adjust the access" + " filter or increase the visibility of the element and its declaring type."); } } @Test public void testBlockAllJava() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(ReflectionAccessFilter.BLOCK_ALL_JAVA) .create(); // Serialization should fail for any Java class try { gson.toJson(Thread.currentThread()); fail(); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat() .isEqualTo("ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit using reflection for class java.lang.Thread." + " Register a TypeAdapter for this type or adjust the access filter."); } } @Test public void testBlockAllJavaExtendingJdkClass() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(ReflectionAccessFilter.BLOCK_ALL_JAVA) .create(); try { gson.toJson(new ClassExtendingJdkClass()); fail(); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat() .isEqualTo("ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit using reflection for class" + " (supertype of class$ClassExtendingJdkClass)." + " Register a TypeAdapter for this type or adjust the access filter."); } } private static class ClassWithStaticField { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static int i = 1; } @Test public void testBlockInaccessibleStaticField() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { return FilterResult.BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE; } }) // Include static fields .excludeFieldsWithModifiers(0) .create(); try { gson.toJson(new ClassWithStaticField()); fail("Expected exception; test needs to be run with Java >= 9"); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat() .isEqualTo("Field '$ClassWithStaticField#i'" + " is not accessible and ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit making it accessible." + " Register a TypeAdapter for the declaring type, adjust the access filter or increase" + " the visibility of the element and its declaring type."); } } private static class SuperTestClass { } private static class SubTestClass extends SuperTestClass { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public int i = 1; } private static class OtherClass { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public int i = 2; } @Test public void testDelegation() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { // INDECISIVE in last filter should act like ALLOW return SuperTestClass.class.isAssignableFrom(rawClass) ? FilterResult.BLOCK_ALL : FilterResult.INDECISIVE; } }) .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { // INDECISIVE should delegate to previous filter return rawClass == SubTestClass.class ? FilterResult.ALLOW : FilterResult.INDECISIVE; } }) .create(); // Filter disallows SuperTestClass try { gson.toJson(new SuperTestClass()); fail(); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit using reflection for class" + "$SuperTestClass." + " Register a TypeAdapter for this type or adjust the access filter."); } // But registration order is reversed, so filter for SubTestClass allows reflection String json = gson.toJson(new SubTestClass()); assertThat(json).isEqualTo("{\"i\":1}"); // And unrelated class should not be affected json = gson.toJson(new OtherClass()); assertThat(json).isEqualTo("{\"i\":2}"); } private static class ClassWithPrivateField { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int i = 1; } private static class ExtendingClassWithPrivateField extends ClassWithPrivateField { } @Test public void testAllowForSupertype() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { return FilterResult.BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE; } }) .create(); // First make sure test is implemented correctly and access is blocked try { gson.toJson(new ExtendingClassWithPrivateField()); fail("Expected exception; test needs to be run with Java >= 9"); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("Field '$ClassWithPrivateField#i'" + " is not accessible and ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit making it accessible." + " Register a TypeAdapter for the declaring type, adjust the access filter or increase" + " the visibility of the element and its declaring type."); } gson = gson.newBuilder() // Allow reflective access for supertype .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { return rawClass == ClassWithPrivateField.class ? FilterResult.ALLOW : FilterResult.INDECISIVE; } }) .create(); // Inherited (inaccessible) private field should have been made accessible String json = gson.toJson(new ExtendingClassWithPrivateField()); assertThat(json).isEqualTo("{\"i\":1}"); } private static class ClassWithPrivateNoArgsConstructor { private ClassWithPrivateNoArgsConstructor() { } } @Test public void testInaccessibleNoArgsConstructor() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { return FilterResult.BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE; } }) .create(); try { gson.fromJson("{}", ClassWithPrivateNoArgsConstructor.class); fail("Expected exception; test needs to be run with Java >= 9"); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("Unable to invoke no-args constructor of class$ClassWithPrivateNoArgsConstructor;" + " constructor is not accessible and ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit making it accessible. Register an" + " InstanceCreator or a TypeAdapter for this type, change the visibility of the constructor or adjust the access filter."); } } private static class ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor { public String s; public ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor(String s) { this.s = s; } } @Test public void testClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor() { GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { // Even BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE should prevent usage of Unsafe for object creation return FilterResult.BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE; } }); Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); try { gson.fromJson("{}", ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor.class); fail(); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("Unable to create instance of class$ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor;" + " ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit using reflection or Unsafe. Register an InstanceCreator" + " or a TypeAdapter for this type or adjust the access filter to allow using reflection."); } // But should not fail when custom TypeAdapter is specified gson = gson.newBuilder() .registerTypeAdapter(ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor.class, new TypeAdapter() { @Override public ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { in.skipValue(); return new ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor("TypeAdapter"); } @Override public void write(JsonWriter out, ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor value) { throw new AssertionError("Not needed for test"); } }) .create(); ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor deserialized = gson.fromJson("{}", ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor.class); assertThat(deserialized.s).isEqualTo("TypeAdapter"); // But should not fail when custom InstanceCreator is specified gson = gsonBuilder .registerTypeAdapter(ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor.class, new InstanceCreator() { @Override public ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor createInstance(Type type) { return new ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor("InstanceCreator"); } }) .create(); deserialized = gson.fromJson("{}", ClassWithoutNoArgsConstructor.class); assertThat(deserialized.s).isEqualTo("InstanceCreator"); } /** * When using {@link FilterResult#BLOCK_ALL}, registering only a {@link JsonSerializer} * but not performing any deserialization should not throw any exception. */ @Test public void testBlockAllPartial() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { return FilterResult.BLOCK_ALL; } }) .registerTypeAdapter(OtherClass.class, new JsonSerializer() { @Override public JsonElement serialize(OtherClass src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { return new JsonPrimitive(123); } }) .create(); String json = gson.toJson(new OtherClass()); assertThat(json).isEqualTo("123"); // But deserialization should fail try { gson.fromJson("{}", OtherClass.class); fail(); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("ReflectionAccessFilter does not permit using reflection for class$OtherClass." + " Register a TypeAdapter for this type or adjust the access filter."); } } /** * Should not fail when deserializing collection interface * (Even though this goes through {@link ConstructorConstructor} as well) */ @Test public void testBlockAllCollectionInterface() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { return FilterResult.BLOCK_ALL; } }) .create(); List deserialized = gson.fromJson("[1.0]", List.class); assertThat(deserialized.get(0)).isEqualTo(1.0); } /** * Should not fail when deserializing specific collection implementation * (Even though this goes through {@link ConstructorConstructor} as well) */ @Test public void testBlockAllCollectionImplementation() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { return FilterResult.BLOCK_ALL; } }) .create(); List deserialized = gson.fromJson("[1.0]", LinkedList.class); assertThat(deserialized.get(0)).isEqualTo(1.0); } /** * When trying to deserialize interface an exception for that should * be thrown, even if {@link FilterResult#BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE} is used */ @Test public void testBlockInaccessibleInterface() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .addReflectionAccessFilter(new ReflectionAccessFilter() { @Override public FilterResult check(Class rawClass) { return FilterResult.BLOCK_INACCESSIBLE; } }) .create(); try { gson.fromJson("{}", Runnable.class); fail(); } catch (JsonIOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("Interfaces can't be instantiated! Register an InstanceCreator or a TypeAdapter for" + " this type. Interface name: java.lang.Runnable"); } } }