import io.gitlab.jfronny.scripts.* plugins { id("jf.autoversion") id("jf.maven-publish") id("lom") } val devOnlyModules by extra(prop("dev_only_module", "").split(", ", ",").filter { it.isNotBlank() }) val nonModSubprojects by extra(prop("non_mod_project", "").split(", ", ",").filter { it.isNotBlank() }) val self = project if (hasProperty("maven_group")) group = prop("maven_group") allprojects { if (name in nonModSubprojects) return@allprojects group = version = self.version apply(plugin = "jf.maven-publish") apply(plugin = "lom") var modId: String? base { modId = prop("archives_base_name", archivesName.get()) archivesName.set(modId) } lom { minecraftVersion.set(prop("minecraft_version")) loaderVersion.set(prop("loader_version")) if (hasProperty("yarn_mappings")) yarn(prop("yarn_mappings")) else mojmap() } if (hasProperty("libjf_version")) { dependencies { annotationProcessor("io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf:libjf-config-compiler-plugin-v2:${prop("libjf_version")}") } tasks.withType { options.compilerArgs.add("-AmodId=$modId") } } afterEvaluate { self.allprojects.forEach { sub -> if (sub != this && !in nonModSubprojects) { loom { mods { register( { sourceSet(sub.sourceSets.main.get()) sourceSet(sub.sourceSets.client.get()) } if (!sourceSets.testmod.get().resources.isEmpty) { register("${}-testmod") { sourceSet(sub.sourceSets.testmod.get()) } } } } } } } } subprojects { if (name in nonModSubprojects) return@subprojects self.tasks.deployDebug.dependsOn(tasks.deployDebug) self.tasks.deployRelease.dependsOn(tasks.deployRelease) tasks.named("javadoc") { enabled = false } if (name !in devOnlyModules && !sourceSets.testmod.get().resources.isEmpty) { //TODO register testmods of subprojects as testmodInclude automatically // val configuration = configurations.create("testmodJar").name // val testmodJarTask = tasks.named("testmodJar").get() // artifacts.add(configuration, testmodJarTask.archiveFile.get().asFile) { // type = "jar" // builtBy(testmodJarTask) // } // // self.dependencies { // testmodInclude(project(mapOf("path" to path, "configuration" to configuration))) // } } self.dependencies { api(project(mapOf("path" to project.path, "configuration" to "shadow"))) clientImplementation(sourceSets.client.get().output) testmodImplementation(sourceSets.testmod.get().output) if (name !in devOnlyModules) include(project) } afterEvaluate { tasks.genClientOnlySources { enabled = false } tasks.genCommonSources { enabled = false } tasks.unpickClientOnlyJar { enabled = false } tasks.unpickCommonJar { enabled = false } } } val moveArtifacts by tasks.registering(Copy::class) { val suffix = if (flavour.isEmpty()) "" else "-$flavour" val sources = mapOf("latest$suffix.jar" to tasks.remapJar, "latest$suffix-dev.jar" to tasks.shadowJar) for (source in sources) { from( { it.archiveFile }) { this.rename { source.key } } dependsOn(source.value) } into(buildDir.resolve("artifacts")) } tasks.deployDebug.dependsOn(moveArtifacts) if (hasProperty("curseforge_id")) apply(plugin = "jfmod.curseforge") if (hasProperty("modrinth_id")) apply(plugin = "jfmod.modrinth")