
19 lines
1.5 KiB

"translater.jfconfig.title": "Translater",
"translater.jfconfig.rounds": "Rounds",
"translater.jfconfig.rounds.tooltip": "The amount of times to translate each element",
"translater.jfconfig.breakFully": "Break Fully",
"translater.jfconfig.breakFully.tooltip": "Whether to fully break the texts content by translating from the wrong language (enable for complete breaking)",
"translater.jfconfig.targetLanguage": "Target Language",
"translater.jfconfig.targetLanguage.tooltip": "The language to translate to - Leave empty for auto-detection (might break text even more)",
"translater.jfconfig.progressGui": "Progress GUI",
"translater.jfconfig.progressGui.tooltip": "Significantly slows down the loading time but gives an in-game visual of the progress",
"translater.jfconfig.progressConsole": "Progress Console",
"translater.jfconfig.progressConsole.tooltip": "Slightly slows down the loading time but logs the progress",
"translater.jfconfig.detailedProgress": "Detailed Progress",
"translater.jfconfig.renderProgress.tooltip": "Significantly slows down the loading time but provides information about individual translations",
"translater.jfconfig.forceRegenerate": "Force Regenerate",
"translater.jfconfig.forceRegenerate.tooltip": "Use this if something is broken. This initiates the regeneration of the cache",
"translater.jfconfig.useDefaultCache": "Use default Cache",
"translater.jfconfig.useDefaultCache.tooltip": "Use pre-generated translations shipped with the mod if the config permits to save time"