JFronny 42891f36c4
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/docs Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/jfmod Pipeline was successful
Update to 1.19.4 and use Scope.fork instead of mutating a shared scope
2023-03-14 20:03:36 +01:00

125 lines
5.5 KiB

package io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.filters;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.ResourcePath;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.muscript.debug.ObjectGraphPrinter;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.Respackopts;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.gson.AttachmentHolder;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.model.Condition;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.model.DirRpo;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.model.cache.CacheKey;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.model.cache.CachedPackState;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.model.enums.PackCapability;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.util.MetaCache;
import net.minecraft.resource.*;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import java.util.Map;
public enum DirFilterEvents implements UserResourceEvents.Open, UserResourceEvents.FindResource {
public static void init() {
public InputSupplier<InputStream> open(ResourceType type, Identifier id, InputSupplier<InputStream> previous, ResourcePack pack) {
if (!MetaCache.hasCapability(pack, PackCapability.DirFilter)) return previous;
String path = new ResourcePath(type, id).getName();
DirRpo rpo = findDirRpo(pack, path);
if (rpo != null && dirHidden(rpo, MetaCache.getKeyByPack(pack), path)) {
path = findReplacementDir(path, rpo);
if (path == null) return null;
ResourcePath rp = new ResourcePath(path);
return, rp.getId());
return previous;
public ResourcePack.ResultConsumer findResources(ResourceType type, String namespace, String prefix, ResourcePack.ResultConsumer previous, ResourcePack pack) {
// Warning: the Identifiers here DON'T CONTAIN THE TYPE!
// Therefore, it needs to be added when calling a method that generates a ResourcePath!
if (!MetaCache.hasCapability(pack, PackCapability.DirFilter)) return previous;
boolean dirFilterAdditive = MetaCache.hasCapability(pack, PackCapability.DirFilterAdditive);
return (identifier, value) -> {
String path = type.getDirectory() + "/" + identifier.getNamespace() + "/" + identifier.getPath();
DirRpo rpo = findDirRpo(pack, path);
if (rpo != null && dirHidden(rpo, MetaCache.getKeyByPack(pack), path)) {
path = findReplacementDir(path, rpo);
if (path != null && dirFilterAdditive) {
String[] s = path.split("/", 3);
if (s.length == 3) {
ResourcePath rp = new ResourcePath(path);
//TODO improve this impl (used for files that aren't at the original location
pack.findResources(rp.getType(), rp.getId().getNamespace(), rp.getId().getPath(), (resource, resVal) -> {
String p = type.getDirectory() + "/" + resource.getNamespace() + "/" + resource.getPath();
p = p.replace(rpo.fallback, rpo.path + "/");
previous.accept(new ResourcePath(p).getId(), resVal);
} else previous.accept(identifier, value);
private String findReplacementDir(String dir, DirRpo rpo) {
if (rpo.fallback == null) return null;
return dir.replace(rpo.path + "/", rpo.fallback);
private boolean dirHidden(DirRpo rpo, CacheKey key, String file) {
if (rpo.condition == null)
return false;
try {
return !rpo.condition.get(MetaCache.getScope(key));
} catch (Condition.ConditionException e) {
String res = "Could not evaluate condition " + file + " (pack: " + key.packName() + ")";
try {
Respackopts.LOGGER.error(res + " with condition:\n" + ObjectGraphPrinter.printGraph(rpo.condition) + ")", e);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Respackopts.LOGGER.error(res, e);
return false;
private DirRpo findDirRpo(ResourcePack pack, String name) {
CachedPackState state = MetaCache.getState(MetaCache.getKeyByPack(pack));
Map<String, DirRpo> drpReg = state.cachedDirRPOs();
int li = name.lastIndexOf('/');
if (li <= 0)
return null;
name = name.substring(0, li);
if (drpReg.containsKey(name)) return drpReg.get(name);
DirRpo drp = findDirRpo(pack, name);
if (drp != null) {
drpReg.put(name, drp);
return drp;
ResourcePath rp;
try {
rp = new ResourcePath(name + "/" + Respackopts.FILE_EXTENSION);
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
InputSupplier<InputStream> is = UserResourceEvents.disable(() ->, rp.getId()));
if (is == null) return null;
try (Reader w = new InputStreamReader(is.get())) {
drp = AttachmentHolder.deserialize(state.metadata().version, w, DirRpo.class);
drp.path = name;
if (drp.fallback != null && !drp.fallback.endsWith("/"))
drp.fallback += "/";
drpReg.put(name, drp);
return drp;
} catch (IOException e) {
Respackopts.LOGGER.error("Couldn't open dir rpo " + rp.getName(), e);
return null;