package io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.gson.entry; import*; import io.gitlab.jfronny.respackopts.tree.ConfigNumericEntry; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; public class NumericEntrySerializer implements JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer { @Override public JsonElement serialize(ConfigNumericEntry src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { return new JsonPrimitive(src.getValue()); } @Override public ConfigNumericEntry deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { if (json.isJsonPrimitive() && json.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) { ConfigNumericEntry result = new ConfigNumericEntry(NumericEntryType.Box); result.setValue(json.getAsDouble()); result.setDefault(json.getAsDouble()); return result; } else if (json.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject o = json.getAsJsonObject(); boolean slider = o.has("type") && o.get("type").getAsString().equals("slider"); ConfigNumericEntry result = new ConfigNumericEntry(slider ? NumericEntryType.Slider : NumericEntryType.Box); JsonElement min = o.get("min"); JsonElement max = o.get("max"); if (slider && (min == null || max == null)) throw new JsonSyntaxException("min/max must not be null for slider"); if (min != null) { if (min.isJsonPrimitive() && min.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) { result.min = min.getAsNumber().doubleValue(); } else throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected number as min of numeric entry"); } if (max != null) { if (max.isJsonPrimitive() && max.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) { result.max = max.getAsNumber().doubleValue(); } else throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected number as max of numeric entry"); } if (slider && (!isWhole(result.min) || !isWhole(result.max))) throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected whole number in slider definition"); return result; } throw new JsonSyntaxException("Could not deserialize numeric entry"); } public static boolean isWhole(double v) { return v == Math.floor(v) && !Double.isInfinite(v); } }