# Toggle Files This is a simple `IF` statement simply returning true/false to if the texture/file should be loaded into the pack. (Turns the texture "on" or "off"). You will need the `Pack ID` and `Entry Name` from your `/assets/respackopts/conf.json` that you created earlier if you have not, see [Main Config](./MainConfig.md) on how to do so.
You will need to navigate to the file you would like to toggle inside your resource, and create a `.rpo` file for it in the same folder(directory).
### Examples: `texture.png` would be `texture.png.rpo`
`recipe.json` would be `recipe.json.rpo`
### Layout: ```json { "condition": ":" } ``` ### Example: ```json { "condition": "examplePack:someTexture" } ``` ### Built-in conditions Respackopts provides some conditions by default, you can use them in any pack. | Condition | Explaination | | --- | --- | | `modversion::` | True if the specified mod is loaded (use the mod ID) and the version fits the predicate. Example: `modversion:minecraft:>=1.7.10`, `modversion:continuity:*` | See [Switch between two files](./ToggleFilesWithFallback.md) to see how to swap textures out with each other (alternate Options)