diff --git a/docs/setup/Debugging.md b/docs/setup/Debugging.md index bfa581b..33e175e 100644 --- a/docs/setup/Debugging.md +++ b/docs/setup/Debugging.md @@ -18,9 +18,14 @@ You can run the command `/rpoc dump glsl` to dump the shader code generated by r I recommend reading through it if your shader is misbehaving. The content imported to your shader by the integrations will equal the dumped code. +## Dump scope +If your conditions aren't working as expected, you can use `/rpoc dump scope` to output muScript code representing the scope passed to your conditions. +Comparing this with your condition should help you figure out most issues. + ## Verify that the option you are using exists One common issue is that you removed an option but still use it somewhere. The log will usually reference that option and the source. +You can use the dumped scope as a reference for what actually exists for your condition. ## Ensure you are using the correct dots Respackopts only supports normal dots. If you write commas or colons by accident,