package io.gitlab.jfronny.resclone.fetchers; import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.http.client.HttpClient; import io.gitlab.jfronny.resclone.Resclone; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; public class GitHubFetcher extends BasePackFetcher { @Override public String getSourceTypeName() { return "github"; } @Override String getDownloadUrl(String baseUrl) throws Exception { String[] parts = baseUrl.split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { throw new Exception("Minimum source must contain \"user/repo\"."); } //"user/repo" - Gets from latest commit of main/master branch. else if (parts.length == 2) { return getFromBranch(baseUrl, null); } //"user/repo/branch/branchName" - Gets from latest commit of specified branch. else if (parts[2].equalsIgnoreCase("branch")) { if (parts.length < 4) throw new Exception("Missing branch name in source definition."); else {"Getting from " + parts[3] + " branch."); return getFromBranch(parts[0] + "/" + parts[1], parts[3]); } } //"user/repo/release" - Gets from the latest release. else if (parts[2].equalsIgnoreCase("release")) { try { Release latestRelease = HttpClient.get("" + parts[0] + "/" + parts[1] + "/releases/latest").sendSerialized(Release.class); String res = null; for (Release.Asset asset : latestRelease.assets) { if ("application/x-zip-compressed".equals(asset.content_type) ||".zip")) { res = asset.browser_download_url; break; } }"Getting from latest release."); if (res == null) return latestRelease.zipball_url; else return res; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new Exception("Failed to get github release asset", e); } } //"user/repo/tag/tagNum" - Gets from a specified tag. else if (parts[2].equalsIgnoreCase("tag")) { if (parts.length < 4) throw new Exception("Missing tag number in source definition."); else { return getFromTag(parts[0] + "/" + parts[1], parts[3]); } } return null; } private String getFromBranch(String repo, @Nullable String branch) { if (branch == null) { try { branch = HttpClient.get("" + repo).sendSerialized(Repository.class).default_branch; } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { Resclone.LOGGER.error("Failed to fetch branch for " + repo + ". Choosing \"main\"", e); branch = "main"; } }"Getting " + repo + " from " + branch + " branch."); return "" + repo + "/" + branch; } private String getFromTag(String repo, String tag) {"Getting from tag " + tag + "."); return "" + repo + "/" + tag; } }