package io.gitlab.jfronny.resclone.util.config; import; import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.serialize.gson.api.GsonHolder; import io.gitlab.jfronny.gson.*; import*; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Set; public class RescloneConfigTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter { private static final String PACKS = "packs"; private static final String PRUNE_UNUSED = "pruneUnused"; private static final Type META_SET = new TypeToken>(){}.getType(); @Override public RescloneConfig read(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException { if (jsonReader.peek() == JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY) { // Legacy format compatibility return new RescloneConfig(GsonHolder.getGson().fromJson(jsonReader, META_SET), false, true); } else if (jsonReader.peek() == JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT) { // New format jsonReader.beginObject(); Set packs = null; Boolean pruneUnused = null; boolean updateRequired = false; while (jsonReader.peek() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { final String name = jsonReader.nextName(); switch (name) { case PACKS -> { if (packs != null) throw new JsonParseException("Unexpected duplicate \"" + PACKS + "\" in Resclone config"); packs = GsonHolder.getGson().fromJson(jsonReader, META_SET); } case PRUNE_UNUSED -> { if (pruneUnused != null) throw new JsonParseException("Unexpected duplicate \"" + PRUNE_UNUSED + "\" in Resclone config"); pruneUnused = jsonReader.nextBoolean(); } default -> throw new JsonParseException("Unexpected element: \"" + name + "\" in Resclone config"); } } jsonReader.endObject(); if (packs == null) throw new JsonParseException("Expected Resclone config object to contain packs"); if (pruneUnused == null) { pruneUnused = true; updateRequired = true; } return new RescloneConfig(packs, pruneUnused, updateRequired); } else throw new JsonParseException("Expected Resclone config to be an object or array"); } @Override public void write(JsonWriter jsonWriter, RescloneConfig rescloneConfig) throws IOException { jsonWriter.beginObject() .comment("The packs to be loaded by resclone") .name(PACKS); GsonHolder.getGson().toJson(rescloneConfig.packs(), META_SET, jsonWriter); jsonWriter.comment("Whether to prune unused packs from the cache") .name(PRUNE_UNUSED) .value(rescloneConfig.pruneUnused()) .endObject(); } }