
64 lines
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package io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.test;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.api.v1.*;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.api.v1.dsl.*;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
@JfConfig(referencedConfigs = {"Yes", "No", "Yes"})
public class TestConfigCustom implements JfCustomConfig {
// User-created
public static Integer someValue = 10;
@Entry public static String someOther = "Yes";
public static class SomeCategory {
@Entry public static boolean someBool = true;
@Entry public static List<String> someObject = new LinkedList<>();
public static void exampleVerifier() {
public static void examplePreset() {
// Generated
private static CategoryBuilder<?> libjf$config$root(CategoryBuilder<?> builder) {
return builder
.value("someBool", someBool, () -> SomeCategory.someBool, v -> SomeCategory.someBool = v)
.value(EntryInfo.ofField(SomeCategory.class, "someObject"))
.addPreset("examplePreset", SomeCategory::examplePreset);
// Generated
public void register(DSL.Defaulted dsl) {
// Here to ensure the static initializer is called
static {
private static void libjf$config$clinit() {
private static ConfigBuilder<?> libjf$config$root(ConfigBuilder<?> builder) {
return builder
.value("someValue", someValue, -50, 50, () -> someValue, v -> someValue = v)
.value("someOther", someOther, () -> someOther, v -> someOther = v)
.category("someCategory", SomeCategory::libjf$config$root);