package io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.api; import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.LibJf; import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.TranslateConfig; import; import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.libretranslate.LibreTranslateService; import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.noop.NoopTranslateService; import*; import*; import java.util.*; public interface TranslateService { /** * Returns the TranslateService the user configured. Implementations may change without notice. * @return configured translation service */ static TranslateService getConfigured() { return switch (TranslateConfig.translationService) { case Noop -> NoopTranslateService.INSTANCE; case Google -> { try { yield GoogleTranslateService.get(); } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException e) { LibJf.LOGGER.error("Could not create google translate service"); yield NoopTranslateService.INSTANCE; } } case LibreTranslate -> { try { yield LibreTranslateService.get(TranslateConfig.libreTranslateHost); } catch (TranslateException e) { LibJf.LOGGER.error("Could not use the specified LibreTranslate host, using NOOP", e); yield NoopTranslateService.INSTANCE; } } }; } /** * Returns all available TranslateServices. Please use getConfigured() instead where possible. * @return available services */ static List> getAvailable() { List> result = new LinkedList<>(); try { result.add(GoogleTranslateService.get()); } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException ignored) { } try { result.add(LibreTranslateService.get(TranslateConfig.libreTranslateHost)); } catch (TranslateException ignored) { } return List.copyOf(result); } /** * Translates a string from the specified source language (or null to auto-detect) to the target language. * @param textToTranslate text to translate * @param translateFrom language to translate from. Use parseLang("auto") to detect automatically. * @param translateTo language to translate to. Use parseLang() to get a language by its ID * @return translated text * @throws TranslateException Something went wrong during the translation */ String translate(String textToTranslate, T translateFrom, T translateTo) throws TranslateException; /** * Detects the language used in the specified string. May return "auto" if detection is unavailable. * @param text The text of which to detect the language * @return detected language * @throws TranslateException Something went wrong during the detection */ T detect(String text) throws TranslateException; /** * Gets the language for the specified ID * @param lang the ID * @return language for the specified ID or null */ T parseLang(String lang); /** * Get all available languages for the configured service. * @return available languages */ List getAvailableLanguages(); /** * Get the name of this translate service. * @return name */ String getName(); }