# libjf-config-v0 LibJF config provides config screens and is partially based on TinyConfig and MidnightLib It depends on libjf-unsafe-v0 to ensure configs are loaded before you use them and libjf-base To add a config create a class using only static fields with default values like this: ```java import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.api.JfConfig; import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.api.Entry; import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.gson.GsonHidden; public class TestConfig implements JfConfig { @Entry public static boolean disablePacks = false; @Entry public static Boolean disablePacks2 = false; @Entry public static int intTest = 20; @Entry(min = -6) public static float floatTest = -5; @Entry(max = 21) public static double doubleTest = 20; @Entry public static String dieStr = "lolz"; @Entry @GsonHidden public static String guiOnlyStr = "lolz"; public static String gsonOnlyStr = "lolz"; @Entry public static Test enumTest = Test.Test; public enum Test { Test, ER } } ``` You MUST annotate any field configurable through the UI as @Entry and the class MUST extend JfConfig. You MAY annotate fields as @GsonHidden, @ClientOnly or @ServerOnly to hide them from the file as well them (-> [libjf-base](libjf-base.md)). Numeric values MAY have a min and max value specified in their @Entry. To register a config, add a `libjf:config` entrypoint pointing to its class to your fabric.mod.json. To manually register a config or save changes, use `io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.api.ConfigInstance` For example, to save a config for a mod titled `yourmod`: ```java // Directly using ConfigInstance ConfigInstance.get("yourmod").write(); // Using ConfigHolder ConfigHolder.getInstance().get("yourmod").write(); ``` LibJF config is intentionally designed to be easy to implement, pleasant for the user and somewhat lightweight. It is not intended to be used as a general purpose solution for everything, other libraries are better suited for that. ## Translations Config keys are translated as `.jfconfig.`. You may add a tooltip as follows: `.jfconfig..tooltip`. Enum keys are translated as follows: `.jfconfig.enum..` ## Categories Categories can be added by creating public static subclasses in your config class and annotating them with @Category. Entries will be read as before, however translations for fields will use `jfconfig..` instead of `jfconfig.` ## Presets libjf-config-v0 provides a preset system to automatically fill in certain values based on a function. To add a snippet, add a public static method to your config class and annotate it with @Preset. If your preset is selected, the method will be executed. You may assign a name by using your language file, the format for names is `.jfconfig.` Example: ```java @Preset public static void moskau() { disablePacks = true; disablePacks2 = true; intTest = -5; floatTest = -6; doubleTest = 4; dieStr = "Moskau"; } ``` ## Verifiers If you need to manually validate config values outside of minimums or maximums, you may add a public static method and annotate it with @Verifier. This method will be executed whenever your config changes, which might happen often. Be careful to write performant code here! Example: ```java @Verifier public static void setIntTestIfDisable() { if (disablePacks) intTest = 0; } ``` ## References Sometimes, your mod interacts with other mods (such as libjf-web-v0), and you may wish to display their config screens as well. If that other mod utilizes libjf-config-v0, you can simply add a json block as seen below to your fabric.mod.json and it will be mentioned in the GUI. ```json "custom": { "libjf": { "config": { "referencedConfigs": ["libjf-web-v0"] } } } ```