# About LibJF Config is a modular config library. Generally, using a combination of its modules is recommended. On the following pages, the modules of libjf-config are explained in more detail. If you just want to get started, a quick setup example for a client-side mod using the compiler plugin can be seen below: build.gradle: ```groovy repositories { maven { url 'https://maven.frohnmeyer-wds.de/artifacts' } } dependencies { include modImplementation("io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf:libjf-config-core-v1:${project.libjf_version}") include modRuntimeOnly("io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf:libjf-config-ui-tiny-v1:${project.libjf_version}") include("io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf:libjf-base:${project.libjf_version}") annotationProcessor("io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf:libjf-config-compiler-plugin-v2:${project.libjf_version}") } loom { mods { register(name, { sourceSet sourceSets.main }) } } compileJava { options.compilerArgs << "-AmodId=" + archivesName // optionally fill in your mod id explicitly } ``` fabric.mod.json: ```json { "entrypoints": { "libjf:config": ["some.package.JFC_YourConfigClass"] // The JFC_ prefix is for the config-compiler-plugin-v2-generated classes } } ``` Config class: ```java @JfConfig public class ConfigExample { @Entry public static boolean someEntry = true; static { JFC_ConfigExample.ensureInitialized(); } } ``` en_us.json: ```json { "modid.jfconfig.title": "Your Mod", "modid.jfconfig.someEntry": "Some Entry", "modid.jfconfig.someEntry.tooltip": "Some comment" } ``` I also recommend adding [ModMenu](https://github.com/TerraformersMC/ModMenu/wiki/API) in order to more easily test your config in dev.