package io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.imgui.window.edit; import imgui.ImGui; import imgui.type.ImBoolean; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.launcher.LauncherEnv; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.common.Utils; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.imgui.GuiMain; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.imgui.control.Tab; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.imgui.window.AddModWindow; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.launcher.system.instance.ModManager; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.launcher.system.instance.ModPath; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.launcher.system.instance.Mod; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.launcher.system.source.ModSource; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; public class ModsTab extends Tab { private final InstanceEditWindow window; private final ImBoolean filterUpdates = new ImBoolean(); private Path selected = null; public ModsTab(InstanceEditWindow window) { super("Mods"); this.window = window; } @Override protected void renderInner() { window.lastTabWasMods = true; if (!Files.exists(window.instance.modsDir())) { try { Files.createDirectories(window.instance.modsDir()); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.LOGGER.error("Could not create mods directory which was missing from this modded instance", e); } } ImGui.beginChild("mods select", 200, 0); if (ImGui.button("Add")) { try { GuiMain.WINDOWS.add(new AddModWindow(window.instance)); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.LOGGER.error("Could not open window", e); } } ImGui.sameLine(); if (Files.exists(window.instance.modsDir()) && ImGui.button("Show")) { Utils.openFile(window.instance.modsDir().toFile()); } ImGui.sameLine(); if (Files.exists(window.instance.configDir()) && ImGui.button("Configs")) { Utils.openFile(window.instance.configDir().toFile()); } try { Set modSet = window.instance.getMods(); boolean updatesFound = false; float scannedPercentage = 0; boolean hasUnScanned = false; for (Mod mod : modSet) { if (window.instance.mds().hasScanned(mod)) scannedPercentage++; else hasUnScanned = true; for (Optional value : mod.getMetadata().sources.values()) { if (value.isPresent()) { updatesFound = true; break; } if (updatesFound) break; } } scannedPercentage /= modSet.size(); if (hasUnScanned) ImGui.progressBar(scannedPercentage); if (updatesFound) ImGui.checkbox("Updatable", filterUpdates); else filterUpdates.set(false); ImGui.separator(); for (Mod mod : modSet) { updatesFound = false; for (Optional value : mod.getMetadata().sources.values()) { updatesFound |= value.isPresent(); } if (filterUpdates.get() && !updatesFound) continue; if (ImGui.checkbox("##" + mod.getName(), mod.isEnabled())) { Path newSel = ModPath.toggle(mod.getMetadataPath()); try { Files.move(mod.getMetadataPath(), newSel); if (mod.getMetadataPath().equals(selected)) selected = newSel; } catch (IOException e) { LauncherEnv.showError("Could not change disabled state", e); } } ImGui.sameLine(); if (ImGui.button(mod.getName())) selected = mod.getMetadataPath(); } } catch (IOException e) { Utils.LOGGER.error("Could not show mod list", e); } ImGui.endChild(); ImGui.sameLine(); ImGui.beginGroup(); if (selected == null) { ImGui.text("Select a mod to view settings"); } else if (window.instance.mds().hasScanned(selected)) { Mod md = window.instance.mds().get(selected); ImGui.text(md.getName()); ImGui.separator(); for (String s : md.getDescription()) { ImGui.text(s); } ImGui.separator(); Map> sources = md.getMetadata().sources; ImGui.text("Sources:"); if (sources.isEmpty()) ImGui.bulletText("Local Drive"); else { for (Map.Entry> source : sources.entrySet()) { ImGui.bulletText(source.getKey().getName()); source.getValue().ifPresent(update -> { ImGui.sameLine(); if (ImGui.button("Update to " + update.getVersion())) { try { selected = md.update(update); } catch (IOException e) { LauncherEnv.showError("Update failed", e); } } }); } } if (ImGui.button("Delete")) { if (!md.getMetadata().dependents.isEmpty()) LauncherEnv.showError("This mod still has the following dependent mods installed: " + String.join(", ", md.getMetadata().dependents), "Dependents present"); else { try { md.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { LauncherEnv.showError("Couldn't delete the file", e); } selected = null; } } } else { ImGui.text("This mod has not yet been scanned, please be patient"); } ImGui.endGroup(); } @Override protected boolean canShow() { return window.instance.isFabric(); } }