package io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.launcher.api.account; import; import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.ref.R; import io.gitlab.jfronny.gson.compile.util.GList; import; import; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.common.*; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.launcher.LauncherEnv; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class AccountManager { private static MicrosoftAccount SELECTED_ACCOUNT; private static final List ACCOUNTS = new ArrayList<>(); public static final AuthInfo NULL_AUTH = new AuthInfo("Joe", "2536abce90e8476a871679918164abc5", "99abe417230342cb8e9e2168ab46297a", "legacy"); public static AuthInfo getSelectedAccount() { if (SELECTED_ACCOUNT == null) return NULL_AUTH; else if (SELECTED_ACCOUNT.ensureAccessTokenValid()) return new AuthInfo(SELECTED_ACCOUNT); else { Utils.LOGGER.error("Couldn't login properly, using offline mode"); return NULL_AUTH; } } public static boolean accountMissing() { return ACCOUNTS.isEmpty; } public static List getAccounts() { return List.copyOf(ACCOUNTS); } public static int getSelectedIndex() { if (SELECTED_ACCOUNT == null) return ACCOUNTS.size(); return ACCOUNTS.indexOf(SELECTED_ACCOUNT); } public static void saveAccounts() { try (JsonWriter w = new JsonWriter(Files.newBufferedWriter(MetaHolder.ACCOUNTS_PATH))) { GsonPreset.Config.configure(w); GList.write(w, ACCOUNTS, GC_MicrosoftAccount::write); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.LOGGER.error("Could not save accounts", e); } } public static void loadAccounts() {"Loading accounts"); if (Files.exists(MetaHolder.ACCOUNTS_PATH)) { try (JsonReader r = new JsonReader(Files.newBufferedReader(MetaHolder.ACCOUNTS_PATH))) { GsonPreset.Config.configure(r); ACCOUNTS.addAll(, GC_MicrosoftAccount::read)); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.LOGGER.error("Could not load accounts", e); } } for (MicrosoftAccount account : ACCOUNTS) { account.refreshAccessToken(); if (account.accountId.equalsIgnoreCase(InceptumConfig.lastAccount)) { SELECTED_ACCOUNT = account; } }"Finished loading accounts"); } public static void addAccount(MicrosoftAccount account) { ACCOUNTS.add(account); if (ACCOUNTS.size() > 1) { LauncherEnv.showOkCancel("Account added successfully. Switch to it now?", "Success", () -> switchAccount(account), R::nop); } else switchAccount(account); saveAccounts(); } public static void removeAccount(MicrosoftAccount account) { if (SELECTED_ACCOUNT == account) { if (ACCOUNTS.size() == 1) switchAccount(null); else switchAccount(ACCOUNTS[0]); } ACCOUNTS.remove(account); saveAccounts(); } public static void switchAccount(MicrosoftAccount account) { if (account == null) {"Logging out"); SELECTED_ACCOUNT = null; InceptumConfig.lastAccount = null; } else {"Changed account to " + account); SELECTED_ACCOUNT = account; InceptumConfig.lastAccount = account.accountId; } InceptumConfig.saveConfig(); } public static Object getAccountByName(String username) { for (MicrosoftAccount account : ACCOUNTS) { if (account.accountId.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) return account; } return null; } public static boolean isAccountByName(String username) { for (MicrosoftAccount account : ACCOUNTS) { if (account.accountId.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) return true; } return false; } }