import io.gitlab.jfronny.scripts.* import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path plugins { inceptum.`application-standalone` org.beryx.jlink } application { mainClass.set("io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.Inceptum") mainModule.set("io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.launcher.dist") applicationName = "Inceptum" } dependencies { implementation(projects.launcher) implementation(projects.launcherCli) implementation(projects.launcherImgui) } tasks.shadowJar { archiveClassifier.set(rootProject.extra["flavorProp"] as String) archiveBaseName.set("Inceptum") exclude("about.html") exclude("") // exclude("META-INF/**") mergeServiceFiles() } (components["java"] as AdhocComponentWithVariants).withVariantsFromConfiguration(configurations["shadowRuntimeElements"]) { skip() } publishing { publications { create("mavenJava") { from(components["java"]) } } } val flavor: String by rootProject.extra val os = org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current()!! val crosscompile = flavor == "windows" && os.isLinux && project.hasProperty("crosscompile") val verifyFlavorConfiguration by tasks.registering { when (flavor) { "macos" -> if (!os.isMacOsX) throw IllegalArgumentException("Cross-compilation to MacOS is unsupported!") "windows" -> if (!os.isWindows && !crosscompile) { if (os.isLinux) throw IllegalArgumentException("Cross-compilation to Windows is not enabled, please do so to build this") else throw IllegalArgumentException("Cross-compilation to Windows from this platform is unsupported!") } "linux" -> if (!os.isLinux) throw IllegalArgumentException("Cross-compilation to Linux is unsupported!") else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected flavor: $flavor") } } tasks.prepareMergedJarsDir { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } tasks.createMergedModule { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } tasks.createDelegatingModules { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } tasks.prepareModulesDir { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } tasks.jlink { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } tasks.jlinkZip { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } tasks.suggestMergedModuleInfo { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } tasks.jpackageImage { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } tasks.jpackage { dependsOn(verifyFlavorConfiguration) } fun computeDebugVersion(): String { val time = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 / 60 / 5 // 5 minute intervals // installer versions MUST be [0-255].[0-255].[0-65535] // in other words, 8,8,16 bits val major = (time / (256 * 65536)) val minor = (time / 65536) % 256 val patch = time % 65536 return "$major.$minor.$patch" } if (crosscompile) System.setProperty("badass.jlink.jpackage.home", "/root/jpackage-win") jlink { if (crosscompile) javaHome.set("/root/jpackage-win") addOptions( "--strip-debug", "--compress", "2", "--no-header-files", "--no-man-pages", "--verbose" ) launcher { name = application.applicationName } if (crosscompile) targetPlatform("win", "/root/java") jpackage { imageName = application.applicationName if (crosscompile) { outputDir = "/root/jpackage-out" imageOutputDir = File(outputDir) installerOutputDir = File(outputDir) } appVersion = versionStripped // vendor when (flavor) { "macos" -> { installerType = "app-image" installerOptions.addAll(listOf( "--mac-package-name", "inceptum" )) } "windows" -> { val release = project.hasProperty("release") installerType = "msi" installerOptions.addAll(listOf( "--win-per-user-install", "--win-dir-chooser", "--win-menu", "--win-upgrade-uuid", if (release) "3cda7403-4c00-4f9f-bcc3-6ff304566633" else "180becd8-a867-40d4-86ef-20949cae68b5" // Update these UUIDs if you fork the project!!! )) if (!release) appVersion = computeDebugVersion() //imageOptions.add("--win-console") // Enable this for debugging } else -> { // might also be able to push rpm with appropriate image installerType = "deb" installerOptions.addAll(listOf( "--linux-package-name", "inceptum", "--linux-shortcut" )) } } } } if (crosscompile) { tasks.jpackage { doLast { val src = Path.of("/root/jpackage-out") val trg = layout.buildDirectory.dir("jpackage").get().asFile.toPath() Files.createDirectories(trg) Files.list(src).use { it.filter { Files.isRegularFile(it) }.forEach { val t = trg.resolve(it.fileName.toString()) println("Moving $it to $t") Files.move(it, t) } } } } }