package; import imgui.ImGui; import imgui.flag.ImGuiWindowFlags; import imgui.type.ImBoolean; import io.gitlab.jfronny.glaunch.GLaunch; public class MainWindow extends Window { private final ImBoolean darkTheme = new ImBoolean(GLaunch.CONFIG.darkTheme); private final ImBoolean debugTools = new ImBoolean(false); public MainWindow() { super("GLaunch"); } @Override public int getFlags() { return ImGuiWindowFlags.MenuBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize; } @Override public void draw() { ImGui.beginMenuBar(); if (ImGui.beginMenu("File")) { if (ImGui.menuItem("New Instance")) NewInstanceWindow()); if (ImGui.menuItem("Exit GLaunch2")) GLaunch.exit(); ImGui.endMenu(); } if (ImGui.beginMenu("Settings")) { if (ImGui.checkbox("Dark Theme", darkTheme)) { GLaunch.CONFIG.darkTheme = darkTheme.get(); GLaunch.saveConfig(); GLaunch.applyTheme(); } ImGui.endMenu(); } if (ImGui.beginMenu("Help")) { if (ImGui.menuItem("About")) AboutWindow()); if (ImGui.menuItem("Log")) LogWindow()); ImGui.checkbox("Debug Tools", debugTools); ImGui.endMenu(); } ImGui.endMenuBar(); if (debugTools.get()) { ImGui.showDemoWindow(); } //TODO if no instance ImGui.text("You have not yet created an instance"); ImGui.text("Use File->New Instance to do so"); } }