# Installing Inceptum can be installed in a number of ways, all of which are documented below. ## Simple installation First, download the Inceptum build appropriate for your system: - [Windows x86_64](https://gitlab.com/JFronny/inceptum/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/latest-windows.jar?job=build_test) - [MacOS x86_64](https://gitlab.com/JFronny/inceptum/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/latest-macos.jar?job=build_test) (untested) - [Linux x86_64](https://gitlab.com/JFronny/inceptum/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/latest-linux.jar?job=build_test) The following additional builds are also available but not recommended for normal use: - [Windows/Mac/Linux x86_64 in one](https://gitlab.com/JFronny/inceptum/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/latest-fat.jar?job=build_test) - [Headless](https://gitlab.com/JFronny/inceptum/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/latest-nogui.jar?job=build_test) Once you have a jar, run it with an [up-to-date java version](https://adoptium.net/). Inceptum will use your config directory ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME, ~/.config/Inceptum, %APPDATA%\Inceptum or ~/Library/Application Support/Inceptum) for saving instances/caches/etc. If you want them somewhere else, read on ### Config files in current directory If the Inceptum jar detects a directory called "run" in the directory it is placed in, it will use that instead of the users config directory. Create a directory (= Folder) next to the inceptum jar. ### Config files in a custom location You may specify the java VM parameter `-Dinceptum.base=$DIRECTORY` to use a custom directory for Inceptum. If this parameter is specified, all other locations will be ignored. ## Simple installation with updates To use automatic updates, you must use the Inceptum Wrapper. Simply launch this [cross-platform jar](https://gitlab.com/JFronny/inceptum/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/wrapper.jar?job=build_test) and Inceptum will launch as described above (though the initial startup may take a bit longer). The same rules for config locations apply. You may also download the [windows exe](https://gitlab.com/jfmods/inceptum/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/wrapper.exe?job=build_test) which uses fabric-installer-native-bootstrap to locate the JVM used by the official minecraft launcher and launch Inceptum using that. Please be aware that this is pretty much untested ## Installation from the AUR Inceptum is available in the AUR as [`inceptum-git`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/inceptum-git) If you use arch linux or a derivative, you may use this package instead of a manual installation. It also includes a template systemd service which you can copy and customize to launch your minecraft server. For more information on the syntax of this services config file, go [here](Commands.md) ## Using Inceptum on Windows without OpenGL drivers Download the portable build from [here](https://gitlab.com/jfmods/inceptum/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/portable.7z?job=portable) This archive includes Inceptum using the Inceptum wrapper, a JVM and a Mesa build for CPU-based graphics. Please be aware that using this WILL result in worse performance.