package io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.gtk; import org.gtk.gio.ApplicationFlags; import org.gtk.gtk.*; import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.ref.R; public class TestStart { public static void main(String[] args) { var app = new Application(GtkMain.ID, ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE); app.onActivate(() -> { var button = Button.newWithLabel("Test"); button.onClicked(TestStart::test); var window = new ApplicationWindow(app); window.setDefaultSize(200, 50); window.title = "Inceptum"; window.child = button;; GtkEnvBackend.INSTANCE.dialogParent = window; window.onCloseRequest(() -> { GtkEnvBackend.INSTANCE.dialogParent = null; return false; }); }); System.exit(, args)); } private static void test() { GtkEnvBackend backend = GtkEnvBackend.INSTANCE; backend.getInput("Ae", "IoU\naee", "Def", R::nop, R::nop); // backend.showInfo("Some message", "Title"); // backend.showError("Yes!", "AAee"); // backend.showError("Nes!", new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Top 500 cheese")); // backend.showOkCancel("Some Message\nYes!", "TitL", () -> backend.showInfo("Pressed OK", "OK"), () -> backend.showError("Pressed CANCEL", "CANCEL")); // backend.getInput("This is a prompt", """ // These are some extremely interesting and detailed (hence the name) details! // This is a second line, since these details // are just THAT important!""", "Default", value -> backend.showInfo("Received " + value, "Input"), () -> backend.showInfo("Got no input :/", "Input")); } }