package; import imgui.ImGui; import imgui.type.ImString; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.Inceptum; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.model.inceptum.InstanceMeta; import io.gitlab.jfronny.inceptum.util.Utils; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; //TODO allow changing name (moving), changing version, managing mods etc public class InstanceEditWindow extends Window { private final Path path; private final InstanceMeta instance; private final ImString name; public InstanceEditWindow(Path path, InstanceMeta instance) { super("Edit " + path.getFileName().toString()); this.path = path; this.instance = instance; name = new ImString(path.getFileName().toString(), NewInstanceWindow.MAX_NAME_LENGTH); } @Override public void draw() { if (ImGui.beginTabBar("InstanceEdit" + path)) { if (ImGui.beginTabItem("General")) { ImGui.inputTextWithHint("Name", "Name of this instance", name); if (!Utils.VALID_FILENAME.matcher(name.get()).matches()) ImGui.text("Invalid name"); else if (!Files.exists(Inceptum.INSTANCE_DIR.resolve(name.get())) && ImGui.button("Rename")) { try { Path newPath = Inceptum.INSTANCE_DIR.resolve(name.get()); Files.move(path, newPath); close(); InstanceEditWindow(newPath, instance)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (ImGui.button("Delete")) AlertWindow("Are you sure?", "This instance will be removed forever (a long time)", () -> { close(); try { Utils.deleteRecursive(path); } catch (IOException e) { Inceptum.LOGGER.error("Could not delete the instance", e); AlertWindow("Could not delete", e.toString())); } }, () -> {})); ImGui.endTabItem(); } if (instance.isFabric() && ImGui.beginTabItem("Mods")) { ImGui.text("Mod editing is not currently implemented"); ImGui.text("Please be patient"); ImGui.endTabItem(); } ImGui.endTabBar(); } } }