
101 lines
4.4 KiB

package io.gitlab.jfronny.googlechat;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.serialize.SerializeReader;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.serialize.annotations.Ignore;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.throwable.Assume;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.throwable.ThrowingConsumer;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.api.v2.*;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.api.v2.dsl.ConfigBuilder;
import io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.api.v2.dsl.Migration;
import net.fabricmc.api.*;
import net.fabricmc.loader.api.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
@JfConfig(tweaker = GoogleChatConfig.class)
public class GoogleChatConfig {
@Category(referencedConfigs = "libjf-translate-v1")
public static class General {
@Entry public static boolean enabled = true;
@Entry public static String serverLanguage = "auto";
@Entry public static String clientLanguage = "en";
@Entry public static boolean translationTooltip = false;
public static void client() {
enabled = true;
if (!serverLanguage.equals("auto")) {
serverLanguage = "auto";
clientLanguage = "en";
public static void server() {
enabled = true;
if (!clientLanguage.equals("auto")) {
clientLanguage = "auto";
serverLanguage = "en";
public static class Processing {
@Entry public static boolean desugar = false;
@Entry public static String receivingRegex = "";
@Entry public static boolean receivingRegexIsBlacklist = true;
@Entry public static String sendingRegex = "";
@Entry public static boolean sendingRegexIsBlacklist = true;
public static class Advanced {
@Entry(min = 1, max = 1024) public static int cacheSize = 256;
@Entry public static boolean async = true;
@Entry public static boolean debugLogs = FabricLoader.getInstance().isDevelopmentEnvironment();
@Ignore private static boolean initial = true;
public static void verify() {
if (FabricLoader.getInstance().getEnvironmentType() == EnvType.SERVER && !General.clientLanguage.equals("auto")) {
Your client language is not set to "auto" and you are using a server.
This setup is not recommended! Please set up GoogleChat according to its documentation!""");
if (!initial) GoogleChat.onConfigChange();
initial = false;
public static ConfigBuilder<?> tweak(ConfigBuilder<?> builder) {
return builder
.addMigration("enabled", of(reader -> General.enabled = reader.nextBoolean()))
.addMigration("serverLanguage", of(reader -> General.serverLanguage = reader.nextString()))
.addMigration("clientLanguage", of(reader -> General.clientLanguage = reader.nextString()))
.addMigration("translationTooltip", of(reader -> General.translationTooltip = reader.nextBoolean()))
.addMigration("desugar", of(reader -> Processing.desugar = reader.nextBoolean()))
.addMigration("receivingRegex", of(reader -> Processing.receivingRegex = reader.nextString()))
.addMigration("receivingRegexIsBlacklist", of(reader -> Processing.receivingRegexIsBlacklist = reader.nextBoolean()))
.addMigration("sendingRegex", of(reader -> Processing.sendingRegex = reader.nextString()))
.addMigration("sendingRegexIsBlacklist", of(reader -> Processing.sendingRegexIsBlacklist = reader.nextBoolean()))
.addMigration("cacheSize", of(reader -> Advanced.cacheSize = reader.nextInt()))
.addMigration("debugLogs", of(reader -> Advanced.debugLogs = reader.nextBoolean()));
private static Migration of(ThrowingConsumer<SerializeReader<?, ?>, Exception> dm) {
//TODO use the libjf-native method
Consumer<SerializeReader<?, ?>> cn = ((ThrowingConsumer<SerializeReader<?, ?>, RuntimeException>) (ThrowingConsumer) dm)::accept;
return new Migration() {
public <TEx extends Exception, Reader extends SerializeReader<TEx, Reader>> void apply(Reader reader) throws TEx {
static {